OMB Policy 6: Use Approved Domains

The freeze on issuing new .gov domains for Executive Branch agencies, implemented on June 13, 2011, was set to expire on Dec. 31, 2011 (see OMB Guidance on Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service [PDF, 2.3 MB, 6 pages, June 2011]). Effective January 1, the Federal CIO has extended the freeze while OMB reviews plans to issue new guidance related to .gov domain approval that will formalize the “no new .gov domains” policy. Additional guidance will be released soon in consultation with the .gov Reform Task Force.


Per OMB M-05-04, "Policies for Federal Agency Public Websites" (PDF, 48 KB, 5 pages, December 2004):

  • Your agency must use only .gov, .mil, or domains unless the agency head explicitly determines another domain is necessary for the proper performance of an agency function.
  • This requirement recognizes the proper performance of agency functions includes an obligation for clear and unambiguous public notification of the agency's involvement in or sponsorship of its information dissemination products including public websites. It also recognizes in certain limited circumstances other domains may be necessary for the proper performance of an agency function.

Implementation Guidance

Supporting Documents


Content Lead: Rachel Flagg
Page Reviewed/Updated: August 16, 2012

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