Rear Adm. James G. Foggo III(left) and Italian Vice Adm. Rinaldo Veri (right), speak to local media.

AUGUSTA BAY, Sicily (Feb. 13, 2012) - Rear Adm. James G. Foggo III, Commander Submarines, Allied Naval Forces South (left), and Italian Vice Adm. Rinaldo Veri, Commander Allied Maritime Command Naples (right), speak to local media during the media day for Proud Manta 2012. Proud Manta is NATO's largest  anti-submarine warfare live exercise, involving submarines, surface ships, maritime patrol aircraft and helicopters from eleven NATO countries. View at highest resolution (2271 by -1 pixels)

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AUGUSTA BAY, Sicily (Feb. 13, 2012) - Rear Adm. James G. Foggo III, Commander Submarines, Allied Naval Forces South (left), and Italian Vice Adm. Rinaldo Veri, Commander Allied Maritime Command Naples (right), speak to local media during the media day for Proud Manta 2012. Proud Manta is NATO's largest anti-submarine warfare live exercise, involving submarines, surface ships, maritime patrol aircraft and helicopters from eleven NATO countries.

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