
Monthly Archives: October 2007

The Foreign Affairs Committee is currently holding a hearing, “Russia on the Eve of National Elections.” Witnesses will be Strobe Talbott, President of the Brookings Institution, and Andrei Piontkovsky, Ph.D., Visiting Fellow at the Hudson Institute. Watch the hearing live … Continue reading

Posted in Human Rights, Oversight, Real Security | Leave a comment

From the Oversight Committee: Rep. Waxman, Sen. Kennedy Release New GAO Report on Inclusion of Seniors in Drug Trials WASHINGTON, DC — Rep. Henry A. Waxman and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy today released a new GAO report on FDA's inclusion … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Oversight | Leave a comment

From the Majority Leader’s office: Hoyer: President Bush Sows Division Instead of Showing Leadership Democrats Working Hard to Enact Bipartisan CHIP Bill, Invest in America WASHINGTON — House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer released the following statement in response to remarks … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Fiscal Responsibility | Leave a comment

House Panel Critical of Iraq Contractors Anne Flaherty, Associated Press – October 25, 2007 Rep. Henry Waxman, chairman of the House oversight committee, said Thursday that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has issued an order requiring his approval of any … Continue reading

Posted in Iraq & Afghanistan, Oversight, Real Security | Leave a comment

By a vote of 265-142, the House has passed the revised State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), H.R. 3963. Chairwoman Slaughter and Speaker Pelosi during debate: Chairwoman Slaughter: “I feel strongly that what motivated me and so many of my … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care | Leave a comment

Today the House will consider H.R. 3963, a revised version of H.R. 976, State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Reauthorization which the President vetoed. Like the original bill, this legislation continues to provide health care coverage for 10 million children. … Continue reading

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The Oversight Committee is currently holding a hearing, “The State Department and the Iraq War.” Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will testify on the State Department's performance on several significant issues relating to the Iraq war, including the impact of … Continue reading

Posted in Iraq & Afghanistan, Oversight, Real Security | Leave a comment

Washington, D.C. — Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other House Democratic leaders held a news conference in the Capitol this evening to announce plans to bring a new version of the State Children's Health Insurance Program to the House floor tomorrow: … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care | Leave a comment

By blocking action on the Dream Act, Senate Republicans prevented a critical first step to address our nation's broken immigration system. Our immigration system needs to honor the promise of America and recognize the enormous contributions that immigrants make to … Continue reading

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President Bush envisions a 10-year war in Iraq that the Congressional Budget Office now estimates will cost taxpayers nearly $2 trillion over the next decade. That estimate is a far cry from the Administration's original claim of a $50 billion … Continue reading

Posted in Fiscal Responsibility, Iraq & Afghanistan | Leave a comment