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Use of MC4 Systems during Field Training Exercises

November 5, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Exposing deployable medical professionals, commanders and systems administrators to the MC4 system prior to deployment offers immeasurable benefits. Not only does it help users become familiar with a system they will use on the battlefield, but it helps MC4 anticipate customer needs.

Ardent Sentry

As a result, prior to deployment, preparation can be made for additional training or support requirements. Additionally, this also affords MC4 the opportunity to build relationships with unit leadership prior to boots hitting the ground.

Exercises provide a great environment for MC4 users to gain system familiarity and experience, augmenting MC4 classroom and over-the-shoulder training they receive before and during deployment.

Since 2006, MC4 has taken advantage of opportunities to integrate system use and subject matter experts during major exercises. MC4 participated in CONUS-based exercises Ardent Sentry and Global Medic, as well as Operation Bayonet Strike conducted in Europe. In the near future, MC4 will be involved in exercises including Yama Sakura and Orient Shield in Japan, as well as Cobra Gold in Thailand.

Ultimately, it is a commander’s decision to use MC4 systems, training and support during exercises. We will continue to exploit exercise opportunities and encourage command leadership to use MC4 at every opportunity.

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Task Force 44 Leadership Take Charge

November 4, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

I commend Task Force 44 for recently directing all reporting medical units to document one hundred percent of care (both inpatient and outpatient) using MC4 systems. To ensure success, the command’s G6 personnel are digitally tracking compliance. The high level of support and commitment by commanders assures all Service members that they will receive the longitudinal health records and continuity of care they deserve.

Over the next several months, we will continue to highlight the efforts of Task Force 44 personnel using MC4 systems to improve the provision of healthcare in Iraq. Improved documentation of patient care improves and leads to a more complete and accurate medical picture for tactical commanders.

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Feedback Wanted

November 3, 2008 posted by Lt. Col. William E. Geesey

Last month, I mentioned my focus on renewing relationships with our Army Medical Department (AMEDD) and Military Health System partners, part of which can be accomplished by expanding the lines of communication. This starts with MC4 sharing feedback with our partners from those who matter most – the users.

This month, MC4 launched a revised user survey, located at Feedback will be examined by MC4 management and technical subject matter experts. MC4 Product Management Office (PMO) will also share the responses with our partners, such as the Defense Health Information Management System (DHIMS) and the Army Medical Department Center and School (AMEDD C&S).

The purpose of this survey is to continuously assess and refine MC4’s training and support, as well as to provide system-specific feedback to the software developers. The responses will also help the PMO immediately identify areas of opportunity or risk. Rest assured, respondents’ identities will remain private. Your information will only be used to clarify answers or troubleshoot issues.

The new user survey includes software-specific questions, allowing MC4 to attribute specific feedback surrounding the use, training or support to particular software applications or programs.

The survey also includes three different paths for users, asking specialty-specific questions related to medical professionals, commanders and systems administrators. We appreciate your time in providing us open and honest feedback.

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