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December 14, 2006
Export-Import Banks of United States and China Announce Agreement to Increase Sales of U.S.-Financed Exports to China

December 1, 2006
Ex-Im Bank Announces FY2007 Advisory Committee Members

November 30, 2006
U.S. Small Businesses Dominate Export Sale to Mexico's PEMEX Backed by $100 Million Ex-Im Bank Financing

November 16, 2006
U.S. Attorney Secures Guilty Pleas in Bid-Manipulation Scheme Involving Ex-Im Bank-Financed Airport Construction Project in Trinidad

November 8, 2006
Vietnam Airlines Receives Preliminary Commitment for Over US$400 Million in U.S. Government Guaranteed Financing for Four Boeing 787 Aircraft and Engines

October 31, 2006
Ex-Im Bank Facility Supports Nigerian Pharmaceutical Production to Combat Sickle Cell Anemia

October 10, 2006
Ex-Im Bank-backed $20 Million Sale of Diebold ATMs to Kazakhstan supports U.S Jobs, Kazakhstan's Banking Infrastructure

October 10, 2006
Professional Banker, Business Executive and Educator sworn-in as newest board member at Export-Import Bank of the United States

October 6, 2006
Hundreds of U.S. Companies - Nearly Half Of Then Small Businesses - Sell To Mexico's Pemex Backed By $900 Million In Ex-im Bank Financing

September 28, 2006
Ex-Im Bank And The Development Bank Of Kazakhstan Announce Cooperation Agreement

September 20, 2006
Ex-Im Bank, SBA Broaden Co-Guarantee Program to Help Small Businesses Obtain Larger Working Capital Loans

September 14, 2006
Florida Women and Minority Entrepreneurs Widen Export Opportunities Via Florida Women's Business Center Partnership with Ex-Im Bank

September 7, 2006
Ex-Im Bank Extends Offer of Reduced Exposure Fee Through March 2007 for Buyers in Countries Implementing the Cape Town Treaty

August 25, 2006
Small U.S. Firms Play Big Role in $216.8 Million Sale to Mexico's Pemex

August 24, 2006
Pennsylvania Small Business to Export Waste Water Recycle/Reuse System to Oman with Help of Ex-Im Bank Working Capital Guarantee

July 31, 2006
Ex-Im Bank Hosts Three-Day Seminar for African Lenders, August 1-3, 2006

July 31, 2006
New Chairman, Vice-Chair, Board Member Sworn-In at Ex-Im Bank

July 19, 2006
New Ex-Im Bank Staffer to Reach More Alabama, South Carolina Small Businesses with Ex-Im Bank Financing Products

July 19, 2006
New Ex-Im Bank Staffer to Reach More New England Small Businesses with Ex-Im Bank Financing Products

July 18, 2006
Ex-Im Bank Staffer to Reach More Arkansas, Oklahoma and Tennessee Small Businesses with Ex-Im Bank Financing Products

July 11, 2006
PowerLight Corporation to Export Solar Power Project to Korea with Help from 15-Year Ex-Im Bank Financing

June 23, 2006
New Ex-Im Bank On-Line Service Gives Arizona Small Business International Sales Competitive Edge

June 19, 2006
Ex-Im Bank Approves $300 Million for 14 Nigerian Banks to Support U.S. Exports to Nigeria

June 8, 2006
Illinois Global Partnership Becomes Ex-Im Bank City-State Partner to Expand Financing Support for Illinois Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

June 1, 2006
New Ex-Im Bank Online Service Gives U.S. Exporters Faster, Easier Access to Multi-Buyer Export Credit Insurance

May 22, 2006
Aquatech International Wins Significant Export Contracts, Backed by PNC Working Capital Loan Under Ex-Im Bank's New Fast Track Program

April 26, 2006
Ex-Im Bank Partners with Hawaii to Help State's Small Business Exporters Exploit Their Unique Location

March 27, 2006
Brett Tarnet Insurance Services of Newbury Park, Calif., is Named Ex-Im Bank's Regional Small Business Broker of the Year

March 27, 2006
Comerica Bank is Named Ex-Im Bank's Small Business Bank of the Year

March 27, 2006
Energy Recovery, Inc., of San Leandro, Calif., is Named Ex-Im Bank's Environmental Exporter of the Year

March 27, 2006
Pharmaceutical Trade Services, Inc., of Gautier, Miss., is Named Ex-Im Bank's Small Business Exporter of the Year

March 27, 2006
Risk Protection International of Stratford, Conn., is Named Ex-Im Bank's Small Business Broker of the Year

March 27, 2006
U.S. Small Businesses Grow and Create Jobs by Selling to Mexico Using Ex-Im Bank Financing

March 24, 2006
Mexican Finance Minister Gil-Diaz, Sen. Sarbanes, Rep. Oxley to Address Ex-Im Bank Annual Conference April 6-7 (Español)

March 8, 2006
Ex-Im Bank Supports Second Sale of Sikorsky Helicopters to Lider Aviação in Brazil

February 28, 2006
Cape Town Treaty on Cross-Border Financing of Aircraft, Helicopters and Aircraft Engines, Takes Effect Today (Mar. 1)

February 24, 2006
Export-Import Bank of the United States Makes Available Bid Package for Purchase of One Boeing 737-400 Aircraft (MSN 26960)

February 16, 2006
Delaware Businesses Gain Export Assistance as Delaware Office of State Treasurer Partners with Ex-Im Bank

February 10, 2006
Ex-Im Bank Renews, Expands Africa Short-Term Insurance Initiative - Burundi, Comoros, Congo D.R., Liberia and Sierra Leone Added To Program

February 10, 2006
Kent, Wash. Small Business Breaks into New Markets, Expands Workforce, with Help from Ex-Im Bank, Silicon Valley Bank

January 30, 2006
Export-Import Bank of the United States invites offers to purchase a Boeing 737-400 aircraft surrendered by Air Nauru

January 26, 2006
New Export Sales Support Available for California Businesses as California Agency Partners with Ex-Im Bank

January 23, 2006
Phoenix, Ariz., Small Business Grows Overseas Sales, Adds Jobs with Help of Ex-Im Bank, Silicon Valley Bank

January 5, 2006
Ex-Im Bank Offers 15-Year Repayment Terms to Support U.S. Exports for Hydroelectric Power Projects

Jobs Through Exports




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