
Monthly Archives: November 2007

From Rep. Murtha: Murtha: “Flawed Policy Wrapped in Illusion” Two Years after Calling for a Redeployment of U.S. Forces from Iraq — President Bush Refuses to Provide the American People with a Responsible Exit Strategy WASHINGTON, D.C. — Tomorrow marks … Continue reading

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The Oversight Committee will hold a hearing after the Thanksgiving recess to examine whether Howard Krongard, the Inspector General of the State Department, provided truthful testimony at the Committee's November 14th hearing. See the key exchange from the hearing: Rep. … Continue reading

Posted in Iraq & Afghanistan, Oversight | Leave a comment

Once again, the Republican minority in the Senate has blocked the will of the majority of the American people and the Congress. Congressional Republicans’ stubborn refusal to hold the President accountable for his failed Iraq policy is delaying needed funding … Continue reading

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Supports Spending $10 Billion Each Month on War Without End in Iraq, But Vetoes America's Priorities — Calls Them “Excessive” Tonight the House will vote on whether to override this cruel veto. On Tuesday, President Bush vetoed the Labor-Health-Education Appropriations … Continue reading

Posted in Fiscal Responsibility, Iraq & Afghanistan | Leave a comment

The House has just passed the RESTORE Act of 2007 (Responsible Electronic Surveillance That is Overseen, Reviewed, and Effective), H.R. 3773 by a vote of 227-189. This bill provides the Intelligence Community with effective tools to conduct surveillance of foreign … Continue reading

Posted in Oversight, Real Security | Leave a comment

The House is currently debating the RESTORE Act of 2007 (Responsible Electronic Surveillance That is Overseen, Reviewed, and Effective), H.R. 3773. This bill provides the Intelligence Community with effective tools to conduct surveillance of foreign targets outside the United States … Continue reading

Posted in Oversight, Real Security | Leave a comment

UPDATE: The bill has passed, 291-127, read further details of the bill in our current legislation section. Today the House will debate the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of 2007, H.R. 3915, sponsored by Rep. Brad Miller (NC-13). This … Continue reading

Posted in Financial Reform, Labor and American Jobs, Retirement Security | Leave a comment

From the Transportation Subcommittee on Aviation in response to President Bush’s remarks earlier today: COSTELLO TO BUSH: “THANKS FOR READING OUR BILL” WASHINGTON — U.S. Congressman Jerry Costello (D-IL), Chairman of the Aviation Subcommittee, issued the following statement in response … Continue reading

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The House has just passed the Responsible Redeployment Appropriations Act, H.R. 4156. President Bush has asked Congress for an additional nearly $200 billion for Iraq. The House has instead passed a $50 billion package, instituting a redeployment timeline and other … Continue reading

Posted in Fiscal Responsibility, Iraq & Afghanistan | Leave a comment

The House is currently debating the Responsible Redeployment Appropriations Act, H.R. 4156. President Bush has asked Congress for an additional nearly $200 billion for Iraq. The House will instead vote on a $50 billion package, instituting a redeployment timeline and … Continue reading

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