PeteKing Newsday: Reps. King, Weiner patch rift over 9/11 health bill

Reps. King, Weiner patch rift over 9/11 health bill

August 12, 2010

After Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Forest Hills) screamed a vein-popping diatribe at Rep. Peter King (R-Seaford) last week during a House speech on the 9/11 workers health care bill, the two outspoken New Yorkers have made up and agreed to work together.

"Our argument had gone as far as it could," King said. "I want, and he wants, to get a bill passed. . . . Us prolonging the argument wasn't going to help that."

King said the detente, which followed several days of sparring on cable news shows accompanied by loops of Weiner's diatribe, came after Tuesday's meeting of the New York congressional delegation. The two representatives stepped aside and worked out a plan - which King wouldn't reveal - to move the legislation.

The original bill would have provided up to $7.4 billion in aid to people sickened by World Trade Center dust.

"It was agreed to try and find a way to get it through," King said. "There are some real significant differences, but hopefully we can work it out."

Weiner's office issued this statement on his behalf: "I'm committed to doing everything in my power to get help for 9/11 victims. I am convinced Peter will do the same."