PeteKing Daily News: Feds Will Take Input on Zadroga Law

Feds Will Take Input on Zadroga Law

BY Michael Mcauliff
Daily News
February 10, 2011

Ailing 9/11 responders will finally get their chance to weigh in on how the federal government should go about putting the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act into practice, the Daily News has learned.

The federal National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health has set a day-long public hearing to get that input on March 3, at 26 Federal Plaza in lower Manhattan.

The meeting was sought by the law's lead sponsors, Reps. Carolyn Maloney (D-Manhattan), Pete King (R-L.I.), and Jerry Nadler (D-Manhattan), who wrote to NIOSH's 9/11 czar, John Howard, after hearing from responders worried about how the measure will work.

"Since enactment, several responders and survivors have contacted our offices with questions and concerns regarding the implementation of the Act," the three wrote, noting that even though the law doesn't go into effect until this summer, people need reassurance, and a chance to shape the rules.

"We request that you, as WTC Administrator, hold a public meeting in New York City to address some of these questions and concerns, and to explain how the Department plans to conduct the implementation process," they wrote.

In a joint statement to the News, the three hailed word of the March hearing.

“Hopefully, this informational session will answer many questions that 9/11 responders and survivors have about the new law and how it will be implemented," they said.

"This meeting will also give responders and survivors the opportunity to offer their thoughts on how the law should be implemented and how the programs could be improved. We thank Dr. Howard for agreeing to hold this meeting, and for all his work to make sure that those who lost their health because of 9/11 can get the care they need."