ASBP: Filling a Last Request, Saving Lives
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Filling a Last Request, Saving Lives

By Michelle Lele, ASBP Blood Donor Recruiter, Tripler, Hawaii
SPC Dong Lee (left) helps  Assistant District Council Lindsey Kasperowicz (right) get set up to donate blood ( photo by Angela E. Kershner)
SPC Dong Lee (left) helps Assistant District Council Lindsey Kasperowicz (right) get set up to donate blood ( photo by Angela E. Kershner)
Recently, in honor of a great friend and fellow employee, Francis Tonaki, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Fort Shafter, Hawaii, conducted their second annual Armed Services Blood Program blood drive.

Francis Tonaki began his career with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1983 and is also a veteran of the Hawaii Army National Guard. His list of noteworthy accomplishments is very long; but the great memories he made while in the military and as a civilian is even longer. Sadly, Tonaki lost his battle with leukemia in 2011.

Before his journey came to an end, he requested The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers host a blood drive to promote “blood donation awareness and giving to others,” said long-time friend and fellow employee of 20 years Debbie Vierra, chief of the workforce management office. The first blood drive in 2011 was such a great success, the command decided to make it an annual event.

“We fully support blood drives and we’re happy to ensure the gift of life gets to those who need it!” said Vierra, who has coordinated blood drives in honor of Tonaki.

The annual event is a great way of taking a sad situation and turning it into a positive miracle. According to the many blood drive participants from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, they wanted to donate in memory of Tonaki and hope they could help others just like him.

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