
Pelosi Supports the Non-Violent Protests by the Burmese People

Washington, D.C. — Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today supporting the non-violent protests by the Burmese people and condemning reports of a brutal crackdown by the ruling military regime.

Earlier today, the House Foreign Affairs Committee approved legislation (H. Con. Res. 200) calling on the Burmese regime to restore democracy to Burma and immediately release Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners of conscience. In July, the Congress passed legislation (H.J. Res. 44) to renew import restrictions on Burma until progress is made to promote democracy and end human rights abuses.

“The courageous people of Burma are standing up to the ruling military regime that has oppressed the country for the last two decades. The ruthless crackdown is outrageous and the international community must not stand by while peaceful protestors are arrested, beaten and murdered.

“President Bush is to be commended for supporting tougher sanctions on Burma, though much more needs to be done in cooperation with the world community.

“We must continue to insist on a political negotiation with the pro-democracy activists including imprisoned Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi as she continues to inspire the world in her fight for the freedom of her people. Let there be no doubt that we stand with the freedom-seeking people of Burma in their just cause.”

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