French Air Force pilot Sebastien Fabre and weapons systems officer Jerome Daoulas perform integral roles in supporting ground coalition forces in the Kandahar.

French Air Force Mirage 2000-D pilot Sebastien "Faber" Fabre and weapons systems officer Jerome "Daou" Daoulas perform integral roles in supporting ground coalition forces in the Kandahar Province of Afghanistan, June 17, 2012. The French AF has been a coalition partner with the U.S. during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and perform air to ground close air support missions for friendly ground forces. View at highest resolution (4256 by 465 pixels)

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French Air Force Mirage 2000-D pilot Sebastien "Faber" Fabre and weapons systems officer Jerome "Daou" Daoulas perform integral roles in supporting ground coalition forces in the Kandahar Province of Afghanistan, June 17, 2012. The French AF has been a coalition partner with the U.S. during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) and perform air to ground close air support missions for friendly ground forces.

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