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X-48B Blended Wing Body
Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate

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X-48 Blended Wing Body

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The Hybrid Wing Body H-Series future aircraft design concept comes from the research team led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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ER-2 arrival at Wallops

NASA Plane Helps Develop New Science Instruments

Over the next few weeks, an ER-2 high altitude research aircraft will take part in the development of two future satellite instruments.

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Students giving a presentation at NASA Headquarters.

Student Ideas for Aviation Wow NASA Audience

During Ideas in Flight, college students prove the future for U.S. aviation is promising.

The X-48C, transformed from the X-48B, recently took its first flight over the Mojave Desert in California. Image credit: NASA/Carla Thomas

X-48C: An X-Plane Transformer

A transformed remotely piloted aircraft could lead the way to a future of flight that is much quieter.

MSL Entry, Descent, and Landing Instrument, or MEDLI

Success for MSL Entry, Descent, & Landing Instrument

When the Curiosity rover landed on Mars on Aug. 6, researchers for the MSL Entry, Descent, & Landing Instrument (MEDLI) were already cheering.

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This artist's concept depicts the interaction of NASA's Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft with the upper atmosphere of Mars during entry, descent and landing. A suite of sensors inside the heat shield will collect valuable data about high-speed, high-temperature (hypersonic) flight during Curiosity

Hitchhiking Sensors Capture Curiosity's Entry

NASA scientists specializing in hypersonic flight can't wait to get their hands on data that'll be captured during Curiosity's Mars landing.

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    One focus of NASA aeronautics research involves unmanned aerial systems, or UAS. A recent test flight evaluated what key technology that could help allow routine UAS access to the nation’s airspace?


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