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Environmental Competency Building
Environmental Capacity Building logo

Program Overview

Competency Navigator

Resource Database

Steering Committee


Environmental Competency Building (ECB) Program

The Environmental Competency Building (ECB) Program provides a central source of information for transportation and environmental professionals to develop competency in the environmental disciplines required for their work.

Competency Navigator

Small picture of Competency Navigator

FHWA, in collaboration with a Steering Committee of transportation and environmental stakeholders, has developed the Competency Navigator to assist professionals in identifying the key environmental and technical topic areas associated with the delivery of environmentally sustainable transportation programs.

   ECB Program Mission
Collaboratively identify, develop, and promote effective strategies and resources that will cultivate and enhance competencies of professionals to deliver environmentally sustainable transportation programs.
ECB Program Goals
  • Recognize Existing Competency
  • Enhance Practitioner Expertise
  • Broad Dissemination of Successful Practices
  • Provide Access to Training and Resources
  • Explore Certification Programs
ECB logo

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