
President Obama's State of the Union Address

Tonight, President Obama presented a vision to the American people of a stronger union, a new foundation for prosperity, and a thriving middle class. Working together, we will adopt a bold agenda for our economic growth — founded on good-paying jobs, strong schools, quality, affordable health insurance, and critical investments in small businesses and our clean energy future.

President Obama also presented a comprehensive approach to our first responsibility as public servants: to keep the American people safe. This Congress remains fully committed to working with the President for the security of our nation.

Despite signs of progress in our economy, too many Americans are out of work and struggling to make ends meet. To put people back to work, we will assist small businesses and invest in infrastructure and clean energy jobs. To ensure a competitive workforce, we will improve the way we educate our next generation.

In the wake of a crisis borne out of taking risks with taxpayers' money, we will protect Main Street from the excess of Wall Street and restore accountability to the financial sector.

Addressing a critical challenge for our economy and millions of households, Congress will pass health insurance reform that lowers costs for American families and small businesses, creates jobs, and ends the insurance companies' worst practices.

Every step along the way, Democrats will demand fiscal discipline — examining unnecessary spending across-the-board, empowering a bipartisan commission to recommend a sustainable fiscal path, and making the pay-as-you-go principles that have been the rule of the House the law of the land.

President Obama spoke tonight about the long overdue need to repeal 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' and acknowledged the many lesbian and gay service members who serve honorably in our military, and wish to do so openly. We look forward to working with him on this issue of fundamental fairness and supporting the patriotic Americans who serve — and wish to serve — our country in uniform.

With his powerful words tonight, the President demanded that we fulfill our promise to fight for the interests of America's families, rebuild the keystones of progress, and restore opportunity to every family. Working together, we can realize a vision of growth, security, and economic success for all Americans.

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