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MSHA Alerts Home Page

Equipment, Health and Safety Hazard Alerts

This page is your gateway to equipment hazard alerts, health hazard alerts and safety hazard alerts. On each of the following pages there will be Current Alerts as well as Previous Alerts. Alerts will remain current for a period of two months from the day of posting to the web. As we add new items, they will appear in the What's New box to your right, as well as on the home page under Equipment, Health and Safety Alerts. If there are any Special Alerts, they too will be displayed on both the home page and on this page. We have also provided a link to our Recall Links page. This page contains links to other federal government agencies which list product recalls.  
What's New
Links to Recent Additions

Safety Hazard Alert

  • Caterpillar 988G/H Unintended Boom Movement
    - Posted 9/21/2012
  • Training Can Save Mine Owners and Mine Supervisors
    - Posted 9/18/2012
  • Structural Failures Cost Lives and Time!
    - Posted 9/14/2012

  • Remember - Your Health and Safety Come First!

       Catastrophic Failure Of An Oxygen Cylinder Fitting In A Refuge Alternative
      On Sunday, January 9, 2011, a catastrophic failure occurred in an oxygen cylinder fitting connected to the breathable air system in a refuge alternative located in an underground coal mine. The refuge alternative was an inflatable tent design manufactured by the A.L. Lee Corporation, model number 4042-35 manufactured on March 21, 2008. This refuge alternative is equipped with 12 high pressure oxygen cylinders, each pressurized at 4,500 psi. The manufacturer of the failed high pressure fitting is unknown at this time. Once the fitting manufacturer is identified, this alert will be updated with this information.

    • Update on Failure of High Pressure Gas Fittings and Valves in Refuge Alternatives
        On January 21, 2011, A. L. Lee reported a second CGA 701 brass fitting failure in a refuge alternative that had been returned to their shop. This fitting met the dimensional specifications of the CGA standard. On February 3, 2011, A. L. Lee reported that cracks had been discovered in both the brass fittings and cylinder valves of a third refuge alternative that had been returned to their shop. These fittings also met the dimensional specifications of the CGA standard. These fitting failures are significant because they demonstrate that the problem extends beyond dimensionally incorrect fittings.

    • Second Update on Failure of High Pressure Gas Fittings and Valves in Refuge Alternatives
        An Equipment Alert and an update have been issued regarding valve and fitting failures on breathable air components of refuge alternatives. On Sunday, January 9, 2011, a catastrophic failure occurred in an oxygen cylinder fitting connected to the breathable air system in a refuge alternative located in an underground coal mine. On January 21, 2011, A. L. Lee reported a second CGA 701 brass fitting failure in a refuge alternative that had been returned to their shop.
        (Added 11/4/2011)

       CSE SR-100 SCSR Alerts Single Source Page

       Equipment Hazard Alerts

      Information on recent and past equipment related hazards.
       Health Hazard Alerts

      Information on recent and past health related hazards.
       Safety Hazard Alerts

      Information on recent and past safety related hazards and safety awareness alerts.
       Safety Flyers

      Safety Flyers available for printing and posting.
       Recall Links

      Links to other federal government agencies which list product recalls.

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