PARIS, France — Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Navy Adm. James Stavridis, addresses a think tank seminar at the Institute for Higher National Defense Studies on May 7. The purpose of the semin

PARIS, France — Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Navy Adm. James Stavridis, addresses a think tank seminar at the Institute for Higher National Defense Studies on May 7. The purpose of the seminar is to allow SACEUR to meet with representatives from the Institute of Higher National Defense Studies, the Foundation for Strategic Research and the Institute for Strategic Research of the School, which represent some of France's preeminent defense think tanks. (Department of Defense photo)
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PARIS, France — Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Navy Adm. James Stavridis, addresses a think tank seminar at the Institute for Higher National Defense Studies on May 7. The purpose of the seminar is to allow SACEUR to meet with representatives from the Institute of Higher National Defense Studies, the Foundation for Strategic Research and the Institute for Strategic Research of the School, which represent some of France's preeminent defense think tanks. (Department of Defense photo)

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