Total Energy

Annual Energy Review

September 2012  PDF | previous editions
Release Date: September 27, 2012
Next Update: August 2013

Table 7.1 Coal Overview, 1949-2011 (Million Short Tons)
Table 7.1  Coal Overview, 1949-2011
                     (Million Short Tons)


Production 1

Waste Coal
Supplied 2

Stock Change 4,5

Losses and
Unaccounted for 6

Imports Exports Net Imports 3
1949 480.6 NA 0.3 32.8 -32.5 [7] 7 -35.1 483.2
1950 560.4 NA .4 29.4 -29.0 R 27.8 R 9.5 494.1
1951 576.3 NA .3 62.7 -62.4 R 4.5 R 3.5 505.9
1952 507.4 NA .3 52.2 -51.9 R .6 R .8 454.1
1953 488.2 NA .3 36.5 -36.2 R 4.2 R -6.9 454.8
1954 420.8 NA .2 33.9 -33.7 R -10.9 R 8.1 389.9
1955 490.8 NA .3 54.4 -54.1 R -4.0 R -6.3 447.0
1956 529.8 NA .4 73.8 -73.4 R 9.7 R -10.2 456.9
1957 518.0 NA .4 80.8 -80.4 R 2.4 R .8 434.5
1958 431.6 NA .3 52.6 -52.3 R -5.1 R -1.3 385.7
1959 432.7 NA .4 39.0 -38.7 R -.3 R 9.2 385.1
1960 434.3 NA .3 38.0 -37.7 R -3.2 R 1.7 398.1
1961 420.4 NA .2 36.4 -36.2 R -2.2 R -4.0 390.4
1962 439.0 NA .2 40.2 -40.0 R -1.7 R -1.5 402.3
1963 477.2 NA .3 50.4 -50.2 R .3 R 3.3 423.5
1964 504.2 NA .3 49.5 -49.3 R 5.2 R 4.0 445.7
1965 527.0 NA .2 51.0 -50.8 R 1.9 R 2.2 472.0
1966 546.8 NA .2 50.1 -49.9 R -3.0 R 2.2 497.7
1967 564.9 NA .2 50.1 -49.9 R 18.9 R 4.6 491.4
1968 556.7 NA .2 51.2 -50.9 R -7.5 R 3.5 509.8
1969 571.0 NA .1 56.9 -56.8 R -5.1 R 2.9 516.4
1970 612.7 NA (s) 71.7 -71.7 R 11.1 R 6.6 523.2
1971 560.9 NA .1 57.3 -57.2 R -2.1 R 4.2 501.6
1972 602.5 NA (s) 56.7 -56.7 R 25.8 R -4.3 524.3
1973 598.6 NA .1 53.6 -53.5 R .4 R -17.9 562.6
1974 610.0 NA 2.1 60.7 -58.6 -8.9 2.0 558.4
1975 654.6 NA .9 66.3 -65.4 32.2 -5.5 562.6
1976 684.9 NA 1.2 60.0 -58.8 8.5 13.8 603.8
1977 697.2 NA 1.6 54.3 -52.7 22.6 -3.4 625.3
1978 670.2 NA 3.0 40.7 -37.8 -4.9 12.1 625.2
1979 781.1 NA 2.1 66.0 -64.0 36.2 .4 680.5
1980 829.7 NA 1.2 91.7 -90.5 25.6 10.8 702.7
1981 823.8 NA 1.0 112.5 -111.5 -19.0 -1.4 732.6
1982 838.1 NA .7 106.3 -105.5 22.6 3.1 706.9
1983 782.1 NA 1.3 77.8 -76.5 -29.5 -1.6 736.7
1984 895.9 NA 1.3 81.5 -80.2 28.7 -4.3 791.3
1985 883.6 NA 2.0 92.7 -90.7 -27.9 2.8 818.0
1986 890.3 NA 2.2 85.5 -83.3 4.0 -1.2 804.2
1987 918.8 NA 1.7 79.6 -77.9 6.5 -2.5 836.9
1988 950.3 NA 2.1 95.0 -92.9 -24.9 -1.3 883.6
1989 980.7 1.4 2.9 100.8 -98.0 -13.7 2.9 895.0
1990 1,029.1 3.3 2.7 105.8 -103.1 26.5 -1.7 904.5
1991 996.0 4.0 3.4 109.0 -105.6 -.9 -3.9 899.2
1992 997.5 6.3 3.8 102.5 -98.7 -3.0 .5 907.7
1993 945.4 8.1 8.2 74.5 -66.3 -51.9 -4.9 944.1
1994 1,033.5 8.2 8.9 71.4 -62.5 23.6 4.3 951.3
1995 1,033.0 8.6 9.5 88.5 -79.1 -.3 .6 962.1
1996 1,063.9 8.8 8.1 90.5 -82.4 -17.5 1.4 1,006.3
1997 1,089.9 8.1 7.5 83.5 -76.1 -11.3 3.7 1,029.5
1998 1,117.5 8.7 8.7 78.0 -69.3 24.2 -4.4 1,037.1
1999 1,100.4 8.7 9.1 58.5 -49.4 24.0 -2.9 1,038.6
2000 1,073.6 9.1 12.5 58.5 -46.0 -48.3 .9 1,084.1
2001 1 1,127.7 10.1 19.8 48.7 -28.9 41.6 7.1 1,060.1
2002 1,094.3 9.1 16.9 39.6 -22.7 10.2 4.0 1,066.4
2003 1,071.8 10.0 25.0 43.0 -18.0 -26.7 -4.4 1,094.9
2004 1,112.1 11.3 27.3 48.0 -20.7 -11.5 6.9 1,107.3
2005 1,131.5 13.4 30.5 49.9 -19.5 -9.7 9.1 1,126.0
2006 1,162.7 14.4 36.2 49.6 -13.4 42.6 8.8 1,112.3
2007 1,146.6 14.1 36.3 59.2 -22.8 5.8 4.1 1,128.0
2008 1,171.8 14.1 34.2 81.5 -47.3 12.4 5.7 1,120.5
2009 1,074.9 13.7 22.6 59.1 -36.5 39.7 15.0 997.5
2010 R 1,084.4 R 13.7 19.4 81.7 -62.4 R -11.2 R -4.4 R 1,051.3
2011P 1,094.3 12.5 13.1 107.3 -94.2 -7.3 17.0 1,003.1
1Beginning in 2001, includes a small amount of refuse recovery (coal recaptured from a refuse mine,
and cleaned to reduce the concentration of noncombustible materials).
7In 1949, stock change is included in "Losses and Unaccounted for."
2Waste coal (including fine coal, coal obtained from a refuse bank or slurry dam, anthracite culm,
bituminous gob, and lignite waste) consumed by the electric power and industrial sectors.  Beginning in
1989, waste coal supplied is counted as a supply-side item to balance the same amount of waste coal
included in "Consumption."
R=Revised.  P=Preliminary.  NA=Not available.  (s)=Less than 0.05 million short tons.  
3Net imports equal imports minus exports.  Minus sign indicates exports are greater than imports. Notes:  -  See Note 1, "Coal Consumption," at end of section.  -  Totals may not equal sum of
components due to independent rounding.
4Through 1972, excludes coal stocks at producers and distributors.  For 1980-2007, excludes coal
stocks in the residential and commercial sectors.
Web Pages:  -  See for updated monthly and annual
data.  -  See for related information.
5A negative value indicates a decrease in stocks and a positive value indicates an increase. Sources:  Production:  Table 7.2.  Waste Coal Supplied:  -  1989-1997-U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA), Form EIA-867, "Annual Nonutility Power Producer Report."  -  1998-2000-EIA, Form
EIA-860B, "Annual Electric Generator Report-Nonutility."  -  2001-2004-EIA, Form EIA-906, "Power
Plant Report," and Form EIA-3, "Quarterly Coal Consumption and Quality Report-Manufacturing Plants.
-  2005 forward-EIA, Quarterly Coal Report (QCR) October-December 2011 (April 2012), Table ES-1.
Imports:  -  1949-2000-U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, "Monthly Report IM 145."
-  2001 forward-Table 7.4.  Exports:  Table 7.5.  Stock Change:  Table 7.6.  Losses and Unaccounted
for:  Calculated as the sum of production, imports, and waste coal supplied, minus exports, stock change,
and consumption.  Consumption:  Table 7.3.
6The difference between calculated coal supply and disposition, due to coal quantities lost or to data
reporting problems.
Total Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)