Contact Information

Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AM NPO)
100 Bureau Drive, Stop 1000
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1000
Phone: (301) 975-2830

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Share Your Ideas

The Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AMNPO) seeks to engage the public in the design the proposed National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI). The AMNPO aims to solicit ideas, suggestions, and other input from a diverse array of manufacturing stakeholders through:

  • Regional workshops and
  • A Request for Information, published in the Federal Register on May 4, 2012.

Notices of upcoming regional workshops are posted on the Events page. Summaries of previously held workshops, as well as other useful documents, can be accessed from the Publications & Resources page.

The Request for Information on Proposed New Program: National Network for Manufacturing Innovation (NNMI), which was issued by the National Institute of Standards of Technology, the host of the AMNPO, can be found on the Federal Register site. A PDF copy is available here.

All comments relevant to the future of advanced manufacturing in the United States. In particular, the AMNPO seeks input on the following topics of importance:

  • Development of Technologies with Broad Impact,
  • Institute Structure and Governance,
  • Strategies for Sustainable Institute Operations,
  • Education and Workforce Development,
  • Shared Facilities and Infrastructure, and
  • Policy.

Comments are due by 11:59 p.m. Eastern time on October 25, 2012, and must be sent to with the subject line “NNMI Comments.”

Information gathered by these means, as well from the President’s Advanced Manufacturing Partnership, the National Science and Technology Council, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, and other public and private bodies, will assist the AMNPO in the design of the new program should the NNMI be funded in FY 2013.

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