About the Advanced Manufacturing NPO

Hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) the AMNPO is staffed by representatives from federal agencies with manufacturing-related missions as well as fellows from manufacturing companies and universities.

Recommended in PCAST's advanced manufacturing report, the interagency office is charged with:

  • Convening and enabling industry-led, private-public partnerships focused on manufacturing innovation and engaging U.S. universities, and
  • Designing and implementing an integrated whole of government advanced manufacturing initiative to facilitate collaboration and information sharing across federal agencies.

By coordinating federal resources and programs, the Advanced Manufacturing NPO will enhance technology transfer in U.S. manufacturing industries and help companies overcome technical obstacles to scaling up production of new technologies.

Who is part of the Advanced Manufacturing NPO?

The Advanced Manufacturing NPO includes participation from all federal agencies involved in U.S. manufacturing. It will enable more effective collaboration in identifying and addressing challenges and opportunities that span technology areas and cut across agency missions. In addition, the office will link federal efforts to the growing number of private-sector partnerships between manufacturers, universities, state and local governments, and other organizations.

Mike Molnar, NIST's Chief Manufacturing Officer, directs the new office.

See the list of federal agency partners.

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