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Guideline Comparison Template

NGC includes the following attributes in the Guideline Comparison.

Attribute Description
Guideline Title Identifies the complete title of the guideline. Also identifies if the guideline has been adapted from another guideline.
Date Released Identifies the date the guideline was released to the public.
Adaptation Identifies that the guideline has been adapted from another guideline and identifies the source document.
Guideline Developer(s) Identifies the organization(s) responsible for the development of the guideline. Each organization is classified by the major designation or function (derived from the Organization Type attribute), such as "Medical Specialty Society" or "Professional Association."
Source(s) of Funding Identifies source(s) of financial support for guideline development, as identified in the guideline text or by the guideline developer. Lists any grant numbers associated with funding, as identified in the guideline text or by the guideline developer.
Composition of Group That Authored the Guideline Describes the composition of the group/committee that authored the guideline, including professional degrees and affiliations, and lists the names of individual committee members, where given.
Financial Disclosures/Conflicts of Interest Captures relationships between individuals of the guideline development committee/group and for-profit and not-for-profit companies or organizations that could potentially influence that individual's contribution to the guideline's development.
Disease/Condition(s) Identifies the major areas of clinical medicine or health care addressed in the guideline. Values are expressed using the natural language expressions found in the text of the guideline.
Guideline Category Classifies the major focus of the guideline. Values are selected from the appropriate concepts in the NGC Classification Scheme.
Clinical Specialty Classifies the clinical specialties that might use the guideline professionally. Values are selected from the appropriate concepts in the NGC Classification Scheme.
Intended Users Classifies the groups intended to use the guideline. Values are selected from the appropriate concepts in the NGC Classification Scheme.
Guideline Objective(s) Describes the objectives of the guideline, as specified in the guideline text by the developers.
Target Population Describes the target population(s) addressed in the guideline.

Identifies restrictions on guideline use, such as within a managed care plan or geographic region.
Major Outcomes Considered Describes the most important specific outcomes or performance measures considered in the guideline. Includes patient outcomes described in treatment guidelines and diagnostic test performance characteristics described in diagnosis or screening guidelines.
Cost Analysis Performed or Reviewed? Identifies whether a cost analysis was performed or reviewed, enabling users to search for guidelines with such analyses.
Methods Used to Collect/Select the Evidence Classifies the methods used to collect and select the evidence that was evaluated. Values are chosen from the appropriate concepts in the NGC Classification Scheme.
Description of Methods Used to Collect/Select the Evidence Describes/summarizes the specific methods used to collect and select the evidence, as identified in the text of the guideline or by the guideline developer. Can include detailed search strategies, lists of journals scanned, keywords, database sources, inclusion and exclusion criteria, etc.
Methods Used to Assess the Quality and Strength of the Evidence Classifies the methods used by the guideline developer to determine what relative importance to give the evidence they obtained. Values are selected from the appropriate concepts in the NGC Classification Scheme.
Rating Scheme for the Strength of the Evidence Presents rating scheme for strength of evidence, when given.
Methods Used to Analyze the Evidence Classifies the methods used by the guideline developer to evaluate the data in the evidence they obtained. Values are selected from the appropriate concepts in the NGC Classification Scheme.
Description of Methods Used to Analyze the Evidence Describes the methods used to analyze the evidence. Presents additional definition for the values presented under "Methods used to Analyze the Evidence" (i.e., defines "systematic" or summarizes the details of the meta-analyses).
Methods Used to Formulate the Recommendations Identifies the methods used to translate evidence into statements that will assist practitioners and patients make decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances. Values are selected from the appropriate concepts in the NGC Classification Scheme.
Description of the Methods Used to Formulate the Recommendations Captures the details of the methods used to translate evidence into recommendation statements, if so provided in the guideline documents. Issues considered by the guideline developers during recommendation formulation, such as cost, patient preference, and values, are also captured.
Rating Scheme for the Strength of the Recommendations Captures the weighted scheme used by the guideline developer to determine what relative strength or importance to give to the recommendations being made. The relative strength or importance may be derived from the quality and strength of the evidence upon which recommendations are based, from a strictly clinical perspective, or both.
Method of Guideline Validation Lists the method(s) used to validate the recommendations of the guideline. Validation is defined as "the results of any external review, comparison with guidelines from other groups or clinical testing of guideline use" (Hayward RSA, et al. More informative abstracts of articles describing clinical practice guidelines, Ann Intern Med 1993;118:731-737). Values are selected from the appropriate concepts in the NGC Classification Scheme.
Description of Method of Guideline Validation Captures the details of the method(s) used by the guideline developer to validate the guideline, if provided in the guideline document.
Clinical Algorithm(s)? Identifies if the guideline recommendations are expressed in the form of clinical algorithm(s), enabling users to search for guidelines with such information.
Implementation Plan Developed? Identifies if an implementation strategy is provided, enabling users to search for guidelines with such plans.
Patient Resources? Identifies if patient resources that are directly related (i.e., derived and/or prepared from the guideline by the guideline developer) are available, enabling users to search for guidelines with such information.
Major Recommendations Links to the Major Recommendations field in the summary.
Availability of the Original (Full Text) Guideline Links to the original guideline where available or to the Guideline Availability field located in the summary.