Consumption & Efficiency


Manufacturing Energy Consumption

Released: January 1, 2007

The Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) is a periodic national sample survey devoted to measuring energy consumption and related issues in the manufacturing sector. The MECS collects data on energy consumption, purchases and expenditures, and related issues and behaviors. (archived versions)

Energy-Related Carbon Dioxide Emissions in U.S. Manufacturing

Released: November 1, 2006

Based on the Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration (EIA), this paper presents historical energy-related carbon dioxide emission estimates for energy-intensive sub-sectors and 23 industries. Estimates are based on surveys of more than 15,000 manufacturing plants in 1991, 1994, 1998, and 2002. EIA is currently developing its collection of manufacturing data for 2006.

Energy Use in Manufacturing

Released: August 14, 2006

This report addresses both manufacturing energy consumption and characteristics of the manufacturing economy related to energy consumption. In addition, special sections on fuel switching capacity and energy-management activities between 1998 and 2002 are also featured in this report.

Production, Energy, and Carbon Emissions: A Data Profile of the Iron and Steel Industry

Released: September 14, 2000

Energy-related carbon emissions in manufacturing analysis and issues related to the energy use, energy efficiency, and carbon emission indicators.

Energy-Related Carbon Emissions in Manufacturing

Released: May 31, 2000

Energy-related carbon emissions in manufacturing analysis and issues related to the energy use, energy efficiency, and carbon emission indicators.

Fuel Oil Use in Manufacturing

Released: May 15, 2000

This web page focal point is the large majority of oil products purchased by manufacturers to produce heat and power are distillate and residual fuel oils.

How Changing Energy Markets Affect Manufacturing

Released: March 1, 2000

The market for natural gas has been changing for quite some time. As part of natural gas restructuring, gas pipelines were opened to multiple users. Manufacturers or their representatives could go directly to the wellhead to purchase their natural gas, arrange the transportation, and have the natural gas delivered either by the local distribution company or directly through a connecting pipeline. (archived versions)

Electricity Generation in the Manufacturing Sector: A Historical Perspective

Released: October 17, 1999

The focus of the paper is on distributed generation in the manufacturing sector. Electricity restructuring and distributed generation compatibility issues are discussed.

Industrial Sector Energy-Efficiency Workshop

Released: March 5, 1996

Participants in this workshop argued "How Should Energy Efficiency be Defined in the Industrial Sector?"

Changes in Energy Intensity in the Manufacturing Sector 1985-1991

Released: September 1, 1995

Changes in Energy Intensity in the Manufacturing Sector, 1985-1991 presents statistics about changes in energy consumption per constant dollar of value of shipments. The report is based on the 1991 Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS), and is the third publication associated with that survey. The 1991 MECS is the third survey conducted, with earlier surveys gathering information on 1985 and 1988 energy consumption patterns. The information in this report continues the data series on changes in energy intensity based on information collected by the two earlier surveys.

Evaluating Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey Methodology

Released: March 1, 1995

This 'EIA Data News' item discusses the sample of Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS) respondents included in the Response Analysis Survey (RAS) of selected MECS respondents in late 1992, the RAS's design and execution, the results of the survey, and the ways those results contributed to the design of the 1994 MECS.

Highlights: Manufacturing Consumption of Energy 1991

Released: January 1, 1995

Highlights of data from the Manufacturing Consumption of Energy 1991

Comparability of Supply- and Consumption-Derived Estimates of Manufacturing Energy Consumption

Released: October 1, 1994

This article discusses the relationship of the industrial-sector consumption estimates presented in EIA's State Energy Data Report (SEDR), which are derived from supplier surveys, to those derived from EIA's Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey (MECS), one of the end-use surveys.


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