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History Archives
Caption: 1961: The insurance syndicate, Foreign Credit Insurance Association (FCIA) is formed. Soon after FCIA is established, the association distributed this brochure for foreign credit and political risk insurance.
Caption: 1961: The insurance syndicate, Foreign Credit Insurance Association (FCIA) is formed. Soon after FCIA is established, the association distributed this brochure for foreign credit and political risk insurance.

Ex-Im Bank History By Month: October

1951: Ex-Im Bank lending authority increases to $4.5 billion.

1961: The insurance syndicate, Foreign Credit Insurance Association (FCIA) is formed with an initial membership of fourteen companies. By 1968 the membership is over 60 companies.

1983: FCIA acts as agent for Ex-Im Bank and assumes all risk underwritten for Ex-Im Bank's account.
2000: October 18—Ex-Im Bank announces an innovative insurance agreement with Residential Funding Corporation (GMAC-RFC) to support small business exports to Mexico. The agreement is considered by Ex-Im Bank as one of the agency’s historically significant transactions.

Chairmen, Presidents and Directors Sworn-In in October:
1954: Glen E. Edgerton, Chairman
1954: Lynn U. Stambaugh, Vice Chairman
1954: Hawthorne Arey, Director
1955: Samuel C. Waugh, Chairman
1965: Tom Lilley, Director
1976: Margaret W. Kahliff, Director
1982: Rita M. Rodriguez, Director
1982: James E. Yonge, Director
1989: Eugene K. Lawson, Vice Chairman
2006: Bijan R. Kian, Director

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