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Guide for Fillable PDF forms

The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) website now provides application forms that can be filled in with your computer. This makes it easier for you to type information, select values and view results of calculations (if any). You will not, however, be able to alter the structure of forms. All forms, with the exception of Promissory Notes, can now be filled in this way. Some of these forms are "savable" (see below), but most are not.


Fillable Forms

Fillable PDF forms work the same as any other online forms. You may enter information, select items from drop-down boxes and also check fields as needed. You can complete the form online or save a copy of the form on your computer and use Adobe Acrobat Reader to fill in the form. By using the local copy of the form, you can prevent accidental loss of information that may occur with a browser. Some information on the forms must still be completed by hand, such as the signature. The forms should be completed and then printed. Once you have completed a form in this way, please sign and submit it via regular mail. The forms may not be submitted online at this time. In addition, many of the forms can be filled out and submitted on-line from the Ex-Im On-line system. These forms are designated by the text: “Prepare and file this application ONLINE! at Ex-Im Online.”

Please note that, although you can save the blank form, the content you add to most Ex-Im Bank forms cannot be saved to your computer if you are using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Some forms—called “fillable and savable” do allow you to save the information that you fill in (see below).

Fillable and Savable Forms

Fillable PDF forms that are also savable are identified by this icon: Icon for fillable and savable forms These forms allow users to fill in information and save their work to a local computer using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Form field contents are saved and may be changed at a later date. Some information on the form may still need to be completed by hand, such as a signature. Please print, sign, and submit the completed form via regular mail. Forms may not be submitted online at this time.

Users of Adobe Acrobat Professional

If you own Adobe Acrobat Professional, all of the forms on this page are fillable and savable on your local computer.

Software Requirments

Adobe Acrobat Reader 6.0 or later
Adobe Acrobat Reader is free and available to download at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html.


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