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    Letter of Interest Online Application
Fast, easy, convenient, money saving and secure!
Ex-Im Bank's Letter of Interest (LI) is a pre-export tool that helps you obtain financing. The LI is an indication of Ex-Im Bank`s willingness to consider financing for a given export transaction.

The online application offers the opportunity to fill out an easy-to-follow application process and make payment by credit card. You will save $50 by using the on-line application vs. snail mail or faxing ($100 per LI). All applications and credit card payments are handled on Ex-Im Bank's secure web server. You can edit and save an application under a persons password and login ID.

Start with Login. If you have already registered, simply type in your login name and password. If you are a first time registrant, you will need to enter basic information such as: name, address, phone, etc.). After Login, you can apply for an LI, save and edit your work to complete at a later date, or submit a completely filled out application with your credit card payment.

If you forget your password, contact the Ex-Im Bank HelpDesk at 202.565.3990.

Click on the LI Application Page to get detailed information on the Letter of Interest Process and the application forms in HTML, WORD and PDF formats.

Online application is fast, easy, convenient, money saving and secure.




Export-Import Bank of the United States
Revised: May 17, 2005

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