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Video News Releases

Video News Releases (VNRs) of recalled products are available from CPSC's Office of Information and Public Affairs for use by broadcast reporters. There also are VNRs available relating to other safety information, such as sports equipment and holiday activities.

VNRs for new press releases are broadcast by satellite the day the press release is distributed and the day after. The satellite coordinates needed to receive the broadcasts are included at the bottom of press releases.

Call CPSC at (301) 504-7908 to get a broadcast-quality beta-sp tape of a past VNR relating to the subject you are reporting. To obtain a beta-sp tape, a Federal Express account number to pay for all shipping costs must be provided. The VNR must be returned to CPSC within three business days after it is received.

CPSC has a variety of VNR previews currently available for viewing on this web site. Generally, newer VNR previews are in streaming video format and older VNR previews are in mpeg format (check both for subjects of interest). For each video, there is a link to the corresponding press release.

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