
Author Archives: Leader's Press Shop

House Democrats introduced a bill to cut middle class taxes and give one hundred percent of Americans a tax cut. This is the same bill that has already passed the Senate and would be signed into law by President Obama … Continue reading

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GOP MYTH: Republicans claim that the President’s middle class tax cut proposal would hurt small businesses, and cost 700,000 jobs. NOT TRUE THE FACTS: The nonpartisan Pulitzer Prize-winning PolitiFact labeled the small business claim a “pants on fire” lie. – … Continue reading

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With only 7 legislative days left until House Republicans head out on a five week recess, yesterday the GOP held vote after vote after vote to rename ten post offices and courthouses and today will waste taxpayer dollars with more … Continue reading

Posted in Fiscal Responsibility, Labor and American Jobs, What's Happening | Leave a comment

As he makes the rounds today, Speaker Boehner will continue pointing fingers and blustering about the middle class until he is red in the face.  But his salty language still won’t hide GOP’s record of punishing middle class families, and … Continue reading

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Today, Speaker Boehner had no shortage of @#$%^ language as he spewed false claims about President Obama’s record standing up for middle class families: …in Boehner’s words, [The President] “doesn’t give a damn about middle class Americans who are out … Continue reading

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The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision opened the floodgates to unrestricted special interest money secretly influencing campaigns around the country.  But, as the latest poll from the First Amendment Center shows, Americans want those floodgates firmly shut: 63 percent of … Continue reading

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While House Democrats are working on a “Make It In America” strategy to create jobs right here in the United States for American workers, Republicans have blocked efforts to clamp down on tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas. … Continue reading

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Today, Republican leaders will huddle with former Vice President Dick Cheney to solicit his thoughts on the budget. Recall, Cheney was the architect of the irresponsible, deficit-busting Bush tax cuts. The Democratic Leader’s press office released this video today to … Continue reading

Posted in Fiscal Responsibility, What's Happening | Leave a comment

According to a new poll from the Pew Research Center, Americans believe that providing a tax cut to 98 percent of Americans and ending the Bush tax cuts for the richest 2 percent is fair and will help the economy. … Continue reading

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Speaker John Boehner and Congressional Republicans love paying lip service to tax cuts for the middle class.  Actually delivering tax cuts to the middle class?  Think again.  Here’s the state of play: Republicans are holding tax cuts for 98 percent … Continue reading

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