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Course Information
Course Title: Performance Management Overview

Course Description: The Performance Management Overview provides an overview of the Performance Management Cycle, describes the importance of open communication between managers/supervisors and employees during the cycle, and outlines, leader, manager/supervisor and employee responsibilities. The course also identifies the performance management modules that will help with each responsibility.

Schedule/Duration: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Agency/Vendor Sponsor: ODNI


Cost: Free

Method: Online

HR Technical Competency: Performance Management / Employee Relations / Labor Relations

General Competency: Organizational Awareness, Interpersonal Relationships, Reasoning, Decision-Making, Client Engagement/Change Management

Leadership Competency: Human Capital Management, Developing Other

Proficiency Level: Intermediate

NOTE: In order to take this course, you must Log In or Register first,
and you must have registered using a current federal government email address.
