
Solar Technology Act Lays Foundation For a Future of Renewable Energy, Sustainability, and Clean Energy Jobs

Posted on by Karina

By a vote of 310 to 106, the House passed the Solar Technology Roadmap Act (HR 3585) to strengthen the American solar technology industry through a coordinated research and development program and public-private partnerships. The bill requires the Secretary of Energy to select a group of experts from industry, academia, and government researchers to develop a long-term roadmap to guide solar energy research–identifying RD&D activities needed to improve the performance and reliability of solar technologies, decrease cost, and reduce water use. The Committee's recommendations will direct a growing percentage of federal solar RD&D funding over time and the bill authorizes over $2 billion to new research partnerships and demonstration projects for solar energy technologies.

Sponsor Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ):

Speaker Pelosi on passage:

The Solar Technology Roadmap Act lays the foundation for a future of renewable energy, sustainability, a growing economy, and good-paying jobs that cannot be shipped overseas. This bill helps improve the performance and reliability of solar technology, and invests in critical research and development initiatives that will redefine how we power our homes and offices.

More solar technology means better energy security, more home-grown energy, and lower greenhouse gas emissions. It returns the United States to the forefront of cutting-edge research and places the next generation of American workers on the frontlines of a clean energy future.

This bipartisan legislation embraces what's possible when our best minds in the public and private sector come together; when innovation becomes a centerpiece of public policy; and when we harness the potential of our most precious natural resources for the greater good.

Today's vote marks a significant step forward for our nation's economy and environment. I applaud my colleagues for supporting this bill and adding their voices to the chorus calling for cleaner energy jobs nationwide.

Learn more about the bill>>

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