In Defense of Peter King

Peter Wehner
Commentary Magazine
June 16, 2011

Rep. Peter King appeared on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and offered a strong, intelligent defense of his Congressional hearings on the radicalization of Muslims, in this case the radicalization that takes place in prisons.

The critics of King are living in a make-believe world. The rest of us live in the real one, where the radicalization of young Muslim men is (a) taking place and (b) poses a significant threat to our nation. Even Attorney General Eric Holder has admitted that the radicalization of young men of the Islamic faith keeps him awake at night.

King himself has said that “the overwhelming majority of Muslims are outstanding Americans,” but he is concerned about efforts to radicalize a small number that could lead to violence. And he’s right to be concerned. In his “Morning Joe” interview, the representative from New York’s 3rd District says he’d be derelict in his duties if he didn’t hold the hearings and added that he isn’t about to back down. Rep. King is right on the first count and he deserves credit on the second one. His hearings are not only defensible; they are necessary.