About EIA

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EIA Strategic Plan 2011–2015


Defines what we do and keeps us on task as a team producing the right outputs.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is the statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. EIA collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment. EIA is the Nation's premier source of energy information and, by law, its data, analyses, and forecasts are independent of approval by any other officer or employee of the United States Government.


Define who we are and keep us from crashing into each other or running aground.
People: EIA's people are its greatest asset; together we are a high-performing team

  • We value the unique contributions of each of EIA's employees and are committed to fostering an environment that welcomes, invests in, and empowers a diverse, highly-skilled workforce.
  • We adhere to the highest professional and ethical standards.
  • We realize that success comes through teamwork where each office and individual contributes to an integrated and strategically directed program.

Purpose: We are customer focused, seeking to meet their needs now and in the future

  • EIA exists to support Congress, Federal and State government, the private sector, the broader public, and the media in their requirements for energy information.
  • We strive to create products that exceed customer expectations:
    • Relevant — Content keeps pace with evolving markets, technologies, policies, and customer needs
    • Accessible — Delivery harnesses the power of the Internet and leverages state-of-the-art presentation technology
    • Timely — Releases are rapid, and delivery satisfies customer decision cycles
    • Engaging — Content is absorbing, meaningful, and rapidly comprehensible — despite its complexity

We seek continuous innovation in our products and their delivery to ensure the highest level of quality and relevance.

Performance: We continually seek to improve our data and analytical tools

  • We maintain and apply rigorous standards to ensure the high quality of our data and analyses:
    • Reliable — Meets stringent statistical standards, including accuracy and precision
    • Comprehensive — Thoroughly covers the energy system, exhibiting no significant gaps
    • Transparent — Meticulously documented and fully disseminated processes and methods
  • We employ a robust quality assurance program, including external engagement, to ensure we consistently produce high value products.
  • We seek continuous innovation in our processes and use of technology to ensure we remain efficient and agile.

Perspective: We are independent and impartial — not isolated and irrelevant

  • We embrace challenges, take on the issues of the day, and strengthen our contributions through engagement with other elements of DOE, the Federal Government, and outside stakeholders.
  • We scrupulously maintain neutrality and unbiasedness in our development and presentation of energy statistics and analysis.


Defines where we are headed and gives purpose in terms of outcomes and impacts

EIA will be recognized as the authoritative independent source of energy information supporting better decisions through enhanced understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment. EIA's comprehensive statistical and analytical products will be highly relevant, reliable, timely, accessible, and engaging. Our success will be supported by a high-performing organization; a highly skilled, motivated, and collegial workforce; and exemplary public stewardship, that is a model of effective, efficient, and transparent Government. People will turn to us first; EIA will be the gold standard for energy information.


Defines the specific, intended results of our strategy

  1. Workforce goal. EIA has a diverse, highly-skilled and motivated workforce that innovates and improves our processes, products, and services.
  2. Customer goal. EIA products and services provide independent, impartial, relevant, reliable, timely, and accessible statistics and analyses that are responsive to the needs of policymakers, industry, educators, and the public.
  3. Methods goal. EIA is a model for the innovative use of processes and technologies that enhance efficiency, product quality, and service delivery.
  4. Management goal. EIA activities are transparent; are planned and executed on time, within budget, and in accordance with EIA policy and standards; involve relevant stakeholders; and are monitored and reviewed to ensure high quality.