
Monthly Archives: April 2011

Today, House Republicans passed H Con Res 36, a concurrent resolution that would “correct the enrollment” of the Continuing Resolution (HR 1473) by adding a section at the end of the bill to defund Planned Parenthood. Cutting off federal funding … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Leader Pelosi, What's Happening | Leave a comment

This morning, Speaker Boehner came out not only defending the GOP-Ryan “Road to Ruin” budget but specifically endorsed legislation’s provisions ending Medicare: “I fully support Paul Ryan’s budget, including his efforts on Medicare.” – Speaker Boehner, 4/13/2011 And while it’s … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, Correcting the Record, In the News, Retirement Security | Leave a comment

Ends Medicare guarantee for seniors – EPI: The budget resolution eliminates Medicare as we know it, shifting costs onto seniors. Raises health care costs for seniors – CBO: Under the proposal, most elderly people would pay more for their health … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, Correcting the Record, Economic News, Fiscal Responsibility, Retirement Security | Leave a comment

To: Congressional Republicans Fr: Democratic Leader’s Press Office Da: April 12, 2011 Re: Ending Medicare to Give Billions in Tax Breaks to Big Oil Just Won’t Cut it with the American People As you approach 100 days of control in … Continue reading

Posted in Correcting the Record, What's Happening | Leave a comment

Republicans are forging ahead with their plan to end Medicare and raise costs on seniors. As USA Today writes in an editorial this morning, “RyanCare’ won’t work without new health law”: …As part of a Republican spending proposal for 2012 … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, In the News, Retirement Security | Leave a comment

Instead of bringing legislation to the House floor to keep the government operating, House Republicans chose to devote time today to a resolution that undermines the open internet and will not become law. Democratic Whip Hoyer offered a Motion to … Continue reading

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Today, Leader Pelosi said this on the possibility of a government shutdown: …we do not want government to shut down, that we have made every compromise. In fact, we had cut $41 billion from the President’s budget at the end … Continue reading

Posted in Correcting the Record, What's Happening | Leave a comment

House Republicans are making some lofty claims on the economic impact of the GOP FY 2012 budget released today by Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI). As the National Journal explains in their article “Ryan Plan Pushes Optimism to the Outer Limits”, … Continue reading

Posted in Correcting the Record, Economic News, In the News | Leave a comment

Yesterday, 17 Governors from across the country wrote Congressional leaders to declare their opposition to House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s (R-WI) plan on Medicaid that would slash support for seniors in nursing homes and health care for children and … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Consumer Protections, In the News | Leave a comment

“We are saving Medicare…We are saving these programs.” – House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) on CNBC this morning The American people won’t be fooled by your rhetoric, Mr. Chairman. The GOP budget eliminates guaranteed benefits for seniors under … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Health Care, Correcting the Record, Retirement Security | Leave a comment