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Resources and Tools > CFSR


The Child and Family Services Reviews are designed to enable the Children's Bureau to ensure that State child welfare agency practice is in conformity with Federal child welfare requirements, to determine what is actually happening to children and families as they are engaged in State child welfare services, and to assist States to enhance their capacity to help children and families achieve positive outcomes.
The NRC-CWDT offers States a wide range of technical assistance and products relevant to all points in the CFSR continuum, including the review and orientation to the State Data Profile, development of the Statewide Assessment, and measuring progress throughout the Program Improvement Plan (PIP).

CFSR Products and Links

The goals of NRC-CWDT include promoting the use of automation for measuring child welfare outcomes, which include the CFSRs, as well as helping states to build capacity for managing with data. In that regard, NRC-CWDT staff has collected reports, policy guidance, and training and technical assistance materials to support State, local, or Tribal child welfare agencies engaged in the review process.

General CFSR Information

Training and Technical Assistance Materials

Onsite review process

PIP planning and measurement

  • ACYF-CB-IM-07-08: Guidance and Suggested Format for Program Improvement Plans in Child and Family Service Reviews (CFSRs).
    This Information Memorandum provides guidance and assistance to States in developing Program Improvement Plans in response to the findings of the CFSRs, and a suggested format for preparing the Program Improvement Plan (PIP) for the second round of CFSRs.
  • Using Data to Monitor PIP Progress (Round 1): This edition to the NRC-CWDT Tips, Tools, and Trends series provides information on how the state of Texas has approached their quality assurance process in four distinct ways, and are incorporating these tools into the social work practice of the State of Texas.
  • Technical Bulletin #3 (rev. October 2009): Approach to determining and approving degrees of improvement and attainment of goals for Program Improvement Plans (PIPs) in Round 2. (PDF)
  • Technical Bulleting #4 (June 2009): Program Improvement Plan (PIP) monitoring, evaluation, renegotiation, and reporting. (PDF)

CFSR Round 1 and 2 Findings and Results

CFSR Technical Assistance Examples

The NRC-CWDT is available to provide customized, State-specific technical assistance in all areas of the CFSR process.

  • Reviewing the data profile: We have assisted states by going on-site to help facilitate discussion on the information contained in the data profile. A mix of program staff, data staff, and systems staff are invited to meet together. A general overview is provided, and program staff are sometimes surprised to find out how the information from the field gets into the system to generate AFCARS data, which in turn is used to generate the profile. This is a great way to begin brainstorming what a State might need to include in the statewide assessment.
  • CFSR kick off meeting: This meeting usually includes people from all levels of the agency including stakeholders and during this time, our NRC can help facilitate discussion of the data profile to ask the questions on “what’s behind the numbers?”
  • PIP measurement: After the first round of the CFSRs, many states implemented a way to keep track of the CFSR outcomes by providing real time data to the field by the use of dashboards. This second round of reviews incorporate a more comprehensive set of indicators. This NRC has been onsite to assist the data staff in interpreting the calculations of those measures for the state’s reporting needs.

For more information on available CFSR and PIP related technical assistance, please contact us at



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