UnitedHealth and NHLBI Collaborating Centers of Excellence

Map image of each of the 10 Centers of Excellence collaborates with research institutions Guatemala Argentina Bangladesh Peru Guatemala South Africa Kenya Tunisia China Bangalore New Delhi
Legend for the World Map
Select a Center of Excellence to learn more about that program.

Each of the 10 Centers of Excellence collaborates with research institutions in developed countries to build research and training infrastructures and to conduct research to improve the prevention and management of chronic cardiovascular and lung diseases in their country.

To help combat chronic diseases in developing countries, the UnitedHealth Chronic Disease Initiative and the NHLBI support a global network of Collaborating Centers of Excellence. Each center includes a research institution in a developing country paired with at least one partner academic institution in a developed country. These Centers of Excellence are developing infrastructures for research and training to enhance their capacity to conduct population-based or clinical research to monitor, prevent, or control chronic diseases, with a focus on cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases.

The Collaborating Centers of Excellence and their Developed Country Partners are:

Administrative Coordinating Center

Rockville, Maryland, USA
Principal Investigator: Nancy L. Dianis, R.N., M.S.

Last Updated: August 27, 2012

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