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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Health Information Technology and Quality

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What is mHealth? - mHealth is the use of mobile and wireless devices to improve health outcomes, healthcare services and health research..
                                                       - This definition was developed by a NIH Consensus group.

Video Report: What is mHealth?

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Federal mHealth Coordination

Text4Health Task Force

In November 2010, The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) established the Text4Health Task Force as part of the agency’s commitment to promoting innovation at HHS.  The task force, comprised of public health experts across HHS, was charged with providing recommendations for HHS’ role in encouraging and developing health text messaging initiatives which would deliver health information and resources to individuals via their mobile phones. The report recommends that: 1) HHS develop and host evidence-based health text message libraries that leverage HHS’ rich and scientifically-based information, 2) HHS develop further evidence on the effectiveness of health text messaging programs, and 3) HHS explore and develop partnerships to create, implement and disseminate health text messaging and mHealth programs.  The full HHS Text4Health Task Force recommendations are available for public comment at the Initiatives website.

HHS mHealth Community of Practice

The development of the HHS mHealth Community of Practice was one of the recommendations of the HHS Text4Health Task Force.

Federal mHealth Collaborative

The Federal mHealth Collaborative is a community of practice. The Collaborative shares best practices, innovations, and projects in the mHealth space.

Federal mHealth Projects

Department of Health and Human Services
       Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
       Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
       Food and Drug Administration
       Health Resources and Services Administration
       National Institutes of Health
       National Library of Medicine
       Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Department of Agriculture
Department of Defense
Department of Veterans Affairs
Environmental Protection Agency

Public-Private Partnerships

mHealth Opportunities

Funding Announcement [RFA-PS-12-001]: Use of Mobile Applications to Increase HIV Testing Behavior and HIV Prevention with Positive Persons

Competitions currently underway:

Events Calendar

Past Conferences/Presentations (Archive Videos)

Reference Materials

mHealth in the News

September 25, 2012 - Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization announces eHealth Seminar: Experience and Vision of the Rockefeller Foundation.exit icon

September 25, 2012 - USAID launches new online journal: Global Health: Science and Practice.exit icon

September 4, 2012 - Building on the mhealth literature/science, the Journal of Health Communication publishes supplement on mhealth.exit icon  

August 21, 2012 - Academy Health Announces Webinar Series on Leveraging Mobile Health (mHealth) Solutions for Health Services Research (HSR)exit icon.

May 14, 2012 - Brookings Institution event: How Mobile Technology Influences Health Innovation. Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 2:00 — 3:30 pmexit icon.

April 20, 2012 - mHealth Summit Call for Proposals now openexit icon

April 11, 2012 - HRSA’s Office of Health Information Technology and Quality staff describe the Federal mHealth Collaborativeexit icon.

February 28, 2012 - HHS Press Release: Obama Administration and Text4Baby join forces to connect pregnant women and children to health coverage and information

February 23, 2012 - Surgeon General Announces Winners of Healthy App Challenge.

February 23, 2012 - ONC announces Mobile Devices Roundtable: Safeguarding Health Information.

February 10, 2012 - HHS releases Body Mass Index app.

January 9, 2012 - mHIMSS at HIMSS12 and Beyond: A Primer on the Many Opportunities Available. 1/18/2012 at 12:00 PM ET

December 19, 2011 - Archived video interviews from 2011 mHealth Summit posted.exit icon

December 15, 2011 - USAID, AusAID, GSMA and Visa Partner in GSMA mWomen Programme Global Development Alliance

December 15, 2011 - NCI Launches Smoking Cessation Support for Teens

December 15, 2011 - 2011 HIMSS Mobile Technology Survey (PDF – 326 KB)exit icon

December 5, 2011 - Secretary Sebelius delivers opening keynote session at mHealth Summit

November 08, 2011 – IOM Workshop - mPreventViolence: Communication and Technology for Violence Prevention. More >>

November 08, 2011 - ONC Seeks Consumer Opinions on Using Mobile Devices to Communicate Health Information. More >>

September 26, 2011 - United Nations’ General Assembly President urges greater use of mobile technologies in health. More >>

September 19, 2011 - HHS Text4Health Task Force announces new recommendations to support health text messaging and mobile health (mHealth) programs. More >>

Growth of Video-Sharing Websites

71% of online adults use video-sharing sites, a 5% increase since last year. 

Rural internet users have caught up to others in their use of video-sharing sites, and ethnic minorities are increasingly more likely to use them.

On a typical day, 23% of internet users visit video-sharing sites.

-- Pew Internet and American Life Project