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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Health Information Technology and Quality

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About Health IT and Quality

The Office of Health Information Technology and Quality (OHITQ) provides trans-HRSA expertise and leadership on HIT and quality issues. Representing all of HRSA and its diverse grantees, OHITQ seeks to improve the quality of health care for safety net populations and strengthen the health workforce that serves these populations.  OHITQ works in collaboration with other HHS agencies (e.g., Office of the National Coordinator, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) and external stakeholders (e.g., National Quality Forum) on important HIT and quality initiatives.  Put simply, OHITQ serves to improve the health of the safety net and the workforce that serves it by promoting learning (i.e., HIT and quality concepts need to be fully understood), measuring (i.e., quality improvement needs to be founded on a measurement strategy), improving (i.e., continuous quality improvement needs to be the culture of all health care organizations), and partnering (i.e., we need to work in a trans-agency, trans-organizational, trans-sector, transdisciplinary manner to bridge the quality chasm).

OHITQ's Mission

To improve health outcomes for the Nation's most vulnerable and underserved populations through advancing the use of Health Information Technology and Continuos Quality Improvement to enhance care delivery. 

OHITQ Vision Statement

A health care delivery system that uses Health Information Technology and Continuous Quality Improvement to empower all patients and health care providers for optimal health outcomes. 

eNewsletter and Comments

Health IT eNewsletter
Current Health IT and Quality eNewsletter

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