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Course Information
Course Title: Dealing with Poor Performers

Course Description: This course is intended for supervisors who would like to learn about how to deal with an employee’s poor performance. The course material includes information on improving communication, providing an opportunity to improve, and the differences between the two authorities used for performance-based actions (5 CFR Part 432 and Part 752). This course is primarily lecture based, supplemented with discussion points and exercises.

Schedule/Duration: 4 hours, contact POC for schedule

Agency/Vendor Sponsor: OPM

POC: Rebecca Ayers, (919) 362-1439,

Cost: $7,000 for 25 participants

Method: Classroom

HR Technical Competency: Performance Management / Employee Relations / Labor Relations

General Competency: Communication, Problem Solving

Leadership Competency:

Proficiency Level: Intermediate
