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Table 9
Overview of Major Federal Programs for Supply Chain Security

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Throughout the Supply Chain Port of Origin Port of Origin to the U.S. Port of Entry U.S. Port of Entry Port of Entry to Destination
C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) CSI (Container Security Initiative) The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) Advance notice of arrival Certain dangerous cargo tracking
CSDs (Container Security Devices) SFI (Secure Freight Initiative) MDA (Maritime Domain Awareness) Operational security measures Highway security
  ATS (Automated Targeting Systems) NAIS (Nationwide Automatic Identification System) Maritime security regulations Rail security
  DOE Megaports Initiative LRIT (Long Range Identification and Tracking of Vessels) Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Air cargo security
  TSA Known Shipper Database   CBP cargo screening  
  International Port Security Program   NII (non-intrusive inspection) and radiation scanning technology  

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Draft Strategy to Enhance International Supply Chain Security, July 2007.

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