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No more excuses — make fitness work for you

Check out these exercise challenges and solutions:

  • I am too busy.

    Try exercising after school, or pick a time that works best for you each day. It's up to you to make the time and effort.
  • Exercise bores me.

    Try out different activities. Sick of jogging? Try rollerblading. Not interested in lifting weights? Try Pilates (Read an article on Pilates.) You could also schedule different activities for different days of the week to keep things interesting. For example, you could swim on Saturdays and do yoga on Tuesdays. Here’s a list of fun activities: girl with a skateboard
    • Kickboxing
    • Snowboarding
    • Skateboarding
    • Mountain biking
    • Surfing
    • Sandboarding
    • Salsa dancing
    • Kayaking
    • SCUBA
    • Pilates
    • Yoga
    • T’ai Chi
    • Rock climbing

You will need permission from your parents/guardian to invest time and money (many require safety equipment) for most of these sports. Also, these activities carry risks for serious injury and it is important to learn the proper techniques before trying them out on your own. Make sure to learn from certified teachers to stay safe.

  • It’s hard to stick with it.

    Try exercising with a friend or a family member to give one another support. If someone else is counting on you to workout or play catch, you’ll be less likely to skip exercising.
  • I don’t have equipment or access to a health club.

    Choose activities that don’t require special equipment, such as jogging or walking. Find resources within your community that are either low-cost or free, such as park and recreation programs. Can you use your school’s gym or swimming pool after school or on weekends? You could also take your dog (or borrow a neighbor’s pup!) for a long walk or an easy jog. Try jumping rope. There are lots of ways to exercise that don’t require a gym membership — be creative!
  • I don’t know how.

    Start with activities that you don't have to learn new skills for, such as walking, climbing stairs, or jogging. Exercise with friends who are either beginners like you, or who are more experienced and can teach you what they know. Take a class to learn new things, such as a Pilates class at your community center or health club.

Once you get past these challenges, decide when you are going to exercise and which activities you would like to do.

Content last updated October 9, 2009

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
