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The Skills We Need. The Dedication We Want.
Feds Hire Vets - Vet to Vet
Feds Hire Vets - Vet to Vet

Posted 11:52 AM by

I left home at the age of 19 with no direction in life. Enlisting in the United States Navy (February 2001) in Massachusetts, I ended up being stationed in Gulfport MS with Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 7 (Seabees).

I relocated to Ohio with my family to begin a new life. I knew I had enough transferrable skills to obtain employment, however I had a hard time translating this in a resume. During an unemployment evaluation, a representative referred me to a local DVOP. I met with her and went through an extensive evaluation and modification process. I became knowledgeable of how to properly showcase my skills so that those who had never served in the Military understood.  Soon afterwards, I was hired as a case worker, determining Food stamp and Medicaid eligibility for approximately 3 years. As a result of my positive experience, during my time on the job, any Veteran that I identified, I referred them to the local DVOP for assistance.  Subsequently, I was hired as a DVOP for the state of Ohio. This was the most rewarding job I had since the military. I understood and could relate to them; the feelings of having no direction. After serving in this capacity for about 18 months, I relocated to Massachusetts to be closer to my family.
In November 2010, I was hired as a Program Support Clerk working for the Bedford VA Medical Center. I provide human resources (HR) assistant services in employee benefits and recruitment and placement. I am responsible for counseling current and former employees, beneficiaries and relatives on federal employment benefits and processing a full range of personnel actions under different personnel systems. Although I miss working directly with Veterans, I find satisfaction in supporting daily operations in support of the VA facility.
If I had to give advice to veterans seeking federal employment, it would be as follows:

  1. Read the vacancy announcement thoroughly! 
  2. Always follow up to ensure that you have submitted all required documents and your application is complete.
  3. Never sell yourself short. Rate yourself high as possible. Your qualifications and how you rate yourself will determine whether or not you will be called in for a face to face interview.
  4. Think outside the box. You may have transferrable skills for another posting if the position you are seeking is not posted.
  5. Never give up! It is a full time job to find a job!

It has been 9 years since I left the service however I will never forget all that I went through nor the people and programs that assisted me in my journey in my civilian life.

  • U.S. Office of Personnel Management
  • Department of Defense
  • Department of Labor
  • Department of Veterans Affairs
  • Department of Homeland Security
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