On The Floor

Make It In America Bills

On July 28th, the House passed several bills that are part of our new Make it in America initiative from House Democrats to increase American manufacturing and create new American jobs.  When we Make It In America, we create jobs to lead the world economy. Our national manufacturing strategy creates the high-skill, high-wage jobs of the future—promoting American competitiveness, innovation, and exports.

The bills passed:

  • Call for a national manufacturing strategy, crucial to job creation and our economic success after losing 4.6 million manufacturing jobs under the Bush Administration.
  • Promote clean energy technology exports to create clean energy manufacturing jobs here at home so that America will lead the way in powering the world in the 21st Century.
  • Establish a commission to tackle the U.S. trade deficit -- which doubled during the Bush Administration and threatens our economic and national security by forcing us to borrow from China, for example.
  • Expressing the sense of the House encouraging fruit and vegetable and commodity producers to display the American flag on labels of products grown in the United States, reminding us of the healthy bounty produced by American farmers and workers (H.Res. 1558 - Rep. Cardoza)

The National Manufacturing Strategy Act (H.R. 4692)

  • Requires a comprehensive analysis of the nations' manufacturing sector every 4 years and directs the President to submit a National Manufacturing Strategy to Congress. 
  • This strategy should identify goals and recommendations for how the federal government, as well as State, local and private institutions, can best support the growth of U.S. manufacturers into the markets of the future.

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Clean Energy Technology Manufacturing and Export Assistance Act (H.R. 5156)

  • Helps American businesses to export clean energy technology products and services by giving them the information needed to navigate foreign markets and supports the development and implementation of a National Clean Energy Technology Export Strategy.
  • Clean energy technology exports could increase by $40 billion per year and create more than 750,000 jobs by 2020.  [Energy Department]

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End the Trade Deficit Act (H.R. 1875)

  • Establishes the “Emergency Trade Deficit Commission” to examine the nature, causes and consequences of the U.S. trade deficit and make recommendations on reducing trade imbalances.
  • U.S. trade deficits harm the U.S. manufacturing base – a critical element of our economy.
  • The Commission’s work will provide added momentum for Democrat’s efforts to address the trade deficit and strengthen U.S. manufacturing.

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