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Training Library

Note: The ERRP Training Library contains training that has been published by the ERRP Center since the beginning of the program. During the rapid development of the ERRP, some information in earlier program training materials has been updated and/or revised in subsequent training. In such cases, more recent training information takes precedence over any information published earlier.

Mainframe Claim List Training Example

November 11, 2011

The Mainframe Claim List Training Example demonstrates how to:

  • Identify Professional, Institutional, and Prescription claim record data in the required format as indicated in the Claim List layout. (Illustration 1)

  • Report Costs Paid by Early Retiree (Illustration 2)

  • Report claim data for applications with a transition plan year, i.e., plan year beginning prior to 6/1/2010, with Early Retiree claim data exceeding the cost threshold prior to 6/1/2010 with cost adjustments. (Illustration 3)

  • Report claim data for an Early Retiree meeting the limit reduction with cost adjustments. (Illustration 4)

  • Report claim data for applications with a transition plan year, i.e., plan year beginning prior to 6/1/2010, with Early Retiree claim data exceeding the cost threshold prior to 6/1/2010, meeting the cost limit with cost adjustments. (Illustration 5)

  • Accurately report bundled claims in the Claim List. (Illustration 6)

  • Compile all Claim List record types (File Header, Professional, Institutional, Prescription, Cost Adjustment and File Trailer) and all claim level headers and claim detail records into single Claim List that correlates to the ERRP SWS Summary Cost Data. Illustration: CL Headers and Formatting contains Claim List values with column headers; Illustration: CL No Headers and Formatting contains Claim List values without column headers. (Illustration Claim List Headers and Formatting)

  • An example of a Claim List formatted for mainframe submission to the ERRP Center. (Illustration CL Mainframe)

Note: Use the Reference Guide to understand the Illustrations found in the Mainframe Training Example online Excel workbook.

ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Reminders

November 2, 2011

The ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Reminders presentation reviews helpful Claim List reminders to assist Plan Sponsors in submitting an error-free Claim List. The training covers the following topics:

  • Review Claim List Response File

  • Common Claim List Errors

  • Report Bundled Claims

  • Information Located on ERRP Public Website

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Secure Website Claim List Training Example

August 24, 2011

The Secure Website Claim List Training Example demonstrates how to:

  • Identify Professional, Institutional, and Prescription claim record data in the required format as indicated in the Claim List layout. (Illustration 1)

  • Report Costs Paid by Early Retiree (Illustration 2)

  • Report claim data for applications with a transition plan year, i.e., plan year beginning prior to 6/1/2010, with Early Retiree claim data exceeding the cost threshold prior to 6/1/2010 with cost adjustments. (Illustration 3)

  • Report claim data for an Early Retiree meeting the limit reduction with cost adjustments. (Illustration 4)

  • Report claim data for applications with a transition plan year, i.e., plan year beginning prior to 6/1/2010, with Early Retiree claim data exceeding the cost threshold prior to 6/1/2010, meeting the cost limit with cost adjustments. (Illustration 5)

  • Accurately report bundled claims in the Claim List. (Illustration 6)

  • Compile all claim list record types (Professional, Institutional, Prescription, Cost Adjustment, and File Trailer) and all early retiree claim records into single Claim List and correlate to the ERRP SWS Summary Cost Data. Illustration: Claim List Headers and Formatting contains Claim List values with column headers and Illustration: Claim List No Headers and Formatting contains Claim List values without column headers. (Illustration Claim List Headers and Formatting)

  • Convert Claim List data in Claim List layout to a .CSV format for upload to the ERRP SWS. (Illustration .CSV)

Claim List Example Online Training: These training modules simulate the illustrations found in the Secure Website Claim List Training Example.

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ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Dos and Don'ts

July 18, 2011

The ERRP Reimbursement Training Claim List: Dos and Don'ts training presentation is designed to assist Plan Sponsors in submitting an error-free Claim List resulting in a successful reimbursement. The training covers the following topics:

  • General Claim List Submission Reminders

  • Specific Claim Detail Field Pointers

  • Reimbursement Timeframes

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ERRP Reimbursement Training: Claim List Online Training

April 1, 2011

Starting April 2011, Plan Sponsors are required to submit Claim Lists in order to request reimbursement. To prepare Plan Sponsors to submit Claim Lists, the ERRP Center has posted the ERRP Reimbursement Training: Claim List Online Training. Upon completion of the training, Plan Sponsors will be able to:

  • Describe how the Claim List requirement will be phased from April to August 2011

  • Discuss how the Claim List component fits into the ERRP Reimbursement Flow

  • Identify claims eligible for ERRP reimbursement and determine the most appropriate claim submission method

  • Understand the ERRP Claim List Layouts and their respective field requirements

  • Describe how ERRP processes the Claim List



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ERRP Early Retiree List Training

November 16, 2010

The ERRP Early Retiree List Training will explain in more detail the necessary steps related to assembling and sending Early Retiree Lists. Some of the
specific topics include:

  • Identifying Early Retirees

  • Formatting the Early Retiree Data

  • Completing the Early Retiree List Setup

  • Submitting the Early Retiree List

  • Reviewing the Early Retiree List Response File


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ERRP Reimbursement Training

October 2010

ERRP Reimbursement Training covers the following topics to assist Plan Sponsors in successfully requesting reimbursement:

  • Recall the steps to reimbursement

  • Complete the Early Retiree List (ERL) process

  • Aggregate early retiree data

  • Compile and submit a Claim List

  • Report Summary Cost Data

  • Build and submit a reimbursement request

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ERRP Retiree File Training Presentation

October 1, 2010

The ERRP Early Retiree File Training presentation assists Plan Sponsors in:

  • Identifying ERRP Early Retirees

  • Identifying Eligible Claims

  • Formatting Early Retiree Data

  • Completing Early Retiree List Setup

  • Submitting Early Retiree List to the ERRP Center

  • Reviewing Early Retiree List Response Files from the ERRP Center

  • Managing ERRP Early Retiree Information



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Early Retiree Reinsurance Program Video

September 9, 2010

In this video, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius explains how the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program will benefit employers and their early retirees.

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General ERRP Program Overview

August 10, 2010

The Early Retiree Reinsurance Program (ERRP) provides reimbursement to participating employment-based plans for a portion of the costs of health benefits for early retirees and early retirees' spouses, surviving spouses, and dependents. The program was authorized in the Affordable Care Act.

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Page last updated August 3, 2012 at 3:00PM EST