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TPC News: Gen. Odierno meets with Soldiers in Afghanistan


TPC News: Gen. Odierno meets with Soldiers in Afghanistan

Video by Terry Turner | Pentagon Channel | Date: 09.19.2012

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno visited with members of Dragon Brigade in Afghanistan. Also available in high definition. View Video

Dragon Brigade Soldiers Leave a Legacy: Without Titles


Dragon Brigade Soldiers Leave a Legacy: Without Titles

Video by Sgt. Richard Colletta | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | Date: 07.17.2010

Package about the accomplishments and legacy of the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, as they prepare to return to Fort Riley, Kansas. Produced by Sgt. Richard Colletta. Also see "Dragon... View Video

Dragon Brigade Soldiers Leave a Legacy: With Titles


Dragon Brigade Soldiers Leave a Legacy: With Titles

Video by Sgt. Richard Colletta | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | Date: 07.17.2010

Package about the accomplishments and legacy of the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, as they prepare to return to Fort Riley, Kansas. Produced by Sgt. Richard Colletta. Also see "Dragon... View Video

Dragon Brigade Soldiers Pack Up, W/ Titles


Dragon Brigade Soldiers Pack Up, W/ Titles

Video by Sgt. Richard Colletta | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | Date: 07.16.2010

Package with titles of Soldiers from the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team at Contingency Operating Base Speicher packing and preparing to redeploy back to the U.S. Produced by Sgt. Richard Colletta. View Video

Dragon Brigade Soldiers Pack Up, W/o Titles


Dragon Brigade Soldiers Pack Up, W/o Titles

Video by Sgt. Richard Colletta | 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division | Date: 07.16.2010

Package without titles of Soldiers from the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team at Contingency Operating Base Speicher packing and preparing to redeploy back to the U.S. Produced by Sgt. Richard Colletta. View Video