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Library > AFRC Chaplain Program > How To Join > Catholic Chaplain Candidate


The AF Catholic Chaplain Candidate Program is an opportunity for Catholic seminarians to come and see the ministry of Catholic chaplains to AF families. This program seeks to augment the Catholic seminary formation. We hope a seminarian in Pre-Theology or Theology will intimately complement his formation integrating the human, spiritual, intellectual, and personal elements within the AF Candidate Program.

- Candidates live in a community setting with opportunities for daily Mass and Liturgy of the Hours.
- A Catholic priest chaplain will accompany, mentor, and supervise candidates during their tours.


- Air Force:
- Commissioned Officer Training (COT) - 33 days; Maxwell AFB, AL.
- Chaplain Candidate Course (CCC) - 12 days; Fort Jackson, SC.

- Pastoral Formation Tour: Candidates experience approximately 30 days of comprehensive Air Force chaplain ministry. Their experience includes: parish, campus, and operational chapel environments.

- Subsequent Year(s)
Candidates will perform an active duty tour at an active duty Air Force installation under the supervision of an active duty Catholic Chaplain. The length of the tour will be determined by candidate, and seminary and diocesan requirements.

Parish Ministry
Parish life
Interfaith chapel setting
Religious formation
Daily Mass, Sacraments, and interfaith worship
Lay training and funds accountability

Campus Ministry
USAF Academy cadet training
Singles ministry
Cadet faith formation
Forming future Catholic leaders

Operational Ministry
Defending our nation in the military profession of arms
Moral and ethical issues training
Chaplain counseling in high stressed environments
Work place, flight line, and hospital visitation

- United States citizen, no dual citizenship
- Less than 40 years of age
- Possess an accredited baccalaureate degree with no less than 120 semester hours
- Obtain bishop's permission/approval to participate in the USAF Chaplain Candidate Program
- Eligible to train for at least two summers while enrolled in seminary (Pre-theology/Theology.
- Meet military commissioning standards and physical
- Pass a National Security Agency check on your personal history and background and qualify for a security clearance

Are you interested in becoming a chaplain candidate?

Please contact us.

Phone Toll Free: 1-800-803-2452
Web Link:

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