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About the Food Safety Working Group


These news releases are representative of the actions FSWG has taken based on its Key Findings.


Presentation of Key Findings (July 7, 2009)

Vice President Biden opened the White House FSWG event and was joined by HHS Secretary Sebelius and USDA Secretary Vilsack to discuss the group's key findings. For more information, read the White House blog post, watch the video or download the MP4.
Reports & Results

Listening Session (May 13, 2009)

Remarks from Listening Session Breakout Listening Session Notes
  1. Rapidly Respond to Outbreaks & Facilitate Recovery (PDF)
  2. Expand Risk-Based Inspection & Enforcement (PDF)
  3. Focus on Prevention (PDF)
  4. Target Resources Effectively (PDF)
  5. Strengthen Surveillance & Risk Analysis (PDF)
Keeping Food Safe for the American People

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U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Department of Health and Human Services