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Ex-Im Bank Claim Filing Procedure

The following documents are designed to assist you in filing a claim with Ex-Im Bank. Whether you chose to file a claim electronically or by paper, please check to make sure the filing includes all required information so that our claim processing professionals can provide you with the level of customer service that you expect and deserve.

As soon as your electronic claim is filed, please send us the supporting documentation immediately.

The claim-filing deadline is based on the date that Ex-Im Bank receives the claim. We recommend, though it is not required, that an overnight delivery service be used for paper filings if you are near the deadline.

All claim information should be sent to:

Export-Import Bank of the United States
Asset Management Division
Attention: Claims
811 Vermont Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20571

Ex-Im Bank Claim Filing Application Guidelines

File# File Name (HTML File) File Format File Size
  Electronic Claim Filing System    
  Claim Filing Guide    
  Pre Claim Debt Rescheduling under $15 Million PDF logo 37 Kb
  Post Operative Amendments under $15 Million PDF logo 41 Kb
EIB10-03 Notice of Claim & Proof of Loss for Export Credit Insurance Policy PDF logo 1.16Mb
EIB92-27 Report of Overdue Accounts under Short-Term Policies PDF logo 410 Kb
EIB09-01 Default Payment Report PDF logo 263 Kb

For more information contact Richard Brackley of the Claims and Recoveries Section
(800) or (202) 565-3600

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Revised : July 13, 2011
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