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Federal Election Commission



Weekly Digest


For Immediate Release


Judith Ingram

December 10, 2010

Julia Queen
  Christian Hilland
  Mary Brandenberger

ISSUE 2010-49

Weekly Digest

Week of December 6 - 10


No Commission Executive Sessions or Open Meetings were scheduled this week.


Drafts Available for Public Comment

AO 2010-29 (Working Families Party of Oregon).On December 9, the Commission made public a draft of Advisory Opinion 2010-29. The party asks whether it qualifies as a State committee of a political party under the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, as amended, and Commission regulations.

AO 2010-30 (Citizens United). On December 9, the Commission made public two drafts of Advisory Opinion 2010-30. Citizens United asks whether it is permissible for the organization to rent its e-mail subscribers list to Federal candidates, political party committees and other political committees.

Advisory Opinions and Requests are available here.


The Commission made public two closed cases and one Statement of Reasons.

MUR 6310 – Dean Black for Congress and Larry E. Horn, in his official capacity as treasurer; and Dean A. Black. The Commission exercised its prosecutorial discretion and dismissed the case.

MUR 6323 – Randall for Congress Committee and Thomas E. Price, in his official capacity as treasurer; and William Alfred Randall II. The Commission exercised its prosecutorial discretion and dismissed the case.

MUR 6225 – Shurtleff Joint Fund and Lynn Gilbert, in her official capacity as treasurer; Friends for Shurtleff and Lynn Gilbert, in her official capacity as treasurer; PAC for Utah’s Future; Mark L. Shurtleff; and Guidant Strategies. A Statement of Reasons was issued by Chairman Matthew S. Petersen and Commissioners Caroline C. Hunter and Donald F. McGahn.

For more information, see the case documents in the Enforcement Query System.


Cao v. FEC. On December 8, Plaintiffs filed a petition for Writ of Certiorari with the United States Supreme Court, after the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, sitting en banc, issued its September 2010 decision in the case.

The Real Truth About Obama, Inc. v. FEC.  On December 6, the Commission filed a Reply in Support of its Motion for Summary Judgment in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. The Court has set the hearing on the motion for January 24, 2011. 


December 5 – 8, Washington, DC. The Commission hosted the Council on Governmental Ethics Laws (COGEL) Conference. Chairman Matthew S. Petersen delivered opening remarks, and Vice Chair Cynthia L. Bauerly and Commissioner Donald F. McGahn took part in panel discussions. Joe Stoltz, Director of the FEC Audit Division, and David Kolker, Director of the Litigation Division of the FEC’s Office of General Counsel, also participated on panels. 


December 14: The Commission is scheduled to hold an Executive Session.

December 16: The Commission is scheduled to hold an Open Session. When the Commission releases an agenda, it will be available on the Commission’s website here.


January 31:  Year-end Reports are due. For more information on reporting dates, click here.


January 12, 2011, Washington, DC. FEC Roundtable Workshops on FEC Reporting Requirements. Registration information and schedule are here.

January 12, 2011, Washington, DC. FEC Roundtable Workshops on FECFile & E-Filing. Registration information and schedule are here.


The December issue of The Record is here. Sign up here to receive email notification when a new issue of the Record is posted.

The monthly supplements to the FEC’s Campaign Guides are here.

Sunshine Act Notices for previous Executive Sessions are here. Agendas and related documents for previous Open Meetings are here. Audio recordings for selected previous meetings, hearings and presentations are here.