On The Floor

NASA Authorization

On June 18, 2008, the House passed the NASA Authorization Act, H.R. 6063. This bill was signed into law on October 15, 2008.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the dawn of the United States space program. NASA is the nation’s primary civil space and aeronautics R&D agency. NASA conducts research and development activities in a wide range of disciplines including aeronautics, astrophysics, heliophysics, planetary science, Earth science and applications, microgravity research, and long-term technology development. NASA also operates a fleet of three Space Shuttles and is assembling and operating the International Space Station (ISS). NASA also maintains a space communications network that supports both NASA missions and other federal agency requirements.

This legislation:

Authorizes $19.2 billion for NASA’s programs for FY 2009, and an additional $1 billion to accelerate completion of the crewed vehicles replacing the Space Shuttle.  The bill authorizes a total of $19.2 billion for NASA programs, and an additional $1 billion to accelerate development of NASA’s new crewed vehicles that will replace the Space Shuttle – the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) and the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle (CLV).  The $19.2 billion authorization includes:

  • $4.9 billion for scientific research
  • $853 million for aeronautics
  • $3.9 billion for space exploration
  • $128 million for education
  • $6.1 billion for space operations
  • $3.3 billion for cross-agency support programs
  • $35 million for inspector general
Focuses on the key role NASA plays in the nation’s innovation agenda, authorizing an 11 percent increase over the President’s request in scientific research.  NASA is one of the federal agencies at which key scientific research takes place.  The bill authorizes $4.9 billion for scientific research, which is 11 percent above the President’s request.  NASA conducts scientific research in a wide range of disciplines, including earth science, planetary science, astrophysics, and heliophysics.

Creates a critical role for NASA on climate change research. 
The bill establishes a role for NASA in leading a cooperative international effort on earth observations research, especially with respect to climate change.  It builds on the recommendations of National Academies’ Earth Sciences and Applications survey and provides an agenda for NASA to pursue to learn about the causes and impacts of climate change, as well as other earth system phenomena.  The agenda will also maximize the opportunities for applying those research results to meet societal needs.

Enhances funding for aeronautics R&D, to make air travel safer and more efficient.  The bill increases aeronautics R&D funding, in order to address critical national needs such as the NextGen air traffic control management system.  NextGen needs to succeed in order to ensure safer and more efficient air travel for our economy and flying public, and this bill will help ensure that NASA plays a meaningful role in the NextGen initiative.  In addition, the bill focuses attention and resources on research and development to make sure that the aircraft of the future leave as small an impact on the environment as possible, whether that impact is noise, energy consumption, or harmful emissions.

Also authorizes funding for space operations and exploration.  The bill also authorizes funding for NASA space operations and exploration.  It is focused on ensuring that all of NASA’s activities – including its space activities – are designed to address key national needs.  The bill recognizes that America’s human space flight activities are not, and should not, be an end unto themselves.  It includes provisions to ensure that the International Space Station will be utilized in as productive a manner as possible.  The bill also makes clear that any long-term human exploration initiative should be undertaken as a cooperative international undertaking, under strong U.S. leadership.