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Works Progress Administration (WPA) Art Recovery Project

Works Progress Administration (WPA) Art Recovery Project
GSA OIG and GSA Fine Arts Program

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Report on the Quality Assessment Review of Investigative Operations of the Office of Inspector General for the U.S. General Services Administration

This peer review was performed by the Department of  Energy Office of Inspector General.

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August 21, 2010
GSA OIG Strategic Plan for 2010 - 2014

This Strategic Plan (1) contains the OIG mission, vision, and values, (2) sets forth the OIG's organization, statutory authority, and the environment in which the OIG operates, and (3) explains the OIG's five-year goals, guiding tenets, performance measures, and external factors that can affect the OIG's ability to meet these goals.

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Department of Interior OIG Peer Review

This document contains System Review Report on the U.S. General Services Administration's Office of Inspector General Audit Organization performed by Department of Interior Office of Inspector General

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GSA's Challenges Implementing American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

The purpose of this document is to highlight challenges to the General Services Administration's (GSA) implementation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The Recovery Act provided $5.55 billion to the GSA for the construction of courthouses, Federal buildings, and land ports of entry as well as measures to convert Federal buildings to High Performance Green Buildings. The Recovery Act also provided GSA with $300 million to improve the fuel efficiency of Government vehicles. To implement these programs, GSA will need to address multiple challenges that are inherent in GSA's implementation of the Recovery Act as well as some historical issues that may impact that implementation.

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Five Ideas to Fight Fraud that IG's Should Be Interested In

By Brian D. Miller, Inspector General, General Services Administration

This document was developed with help of earlier discussions of the U.S. Department of Justice's National Procurement Fraud Task Force of which IG Miller is Co-Chair.

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December 1, 2008
National Procurement Fraud Task Force Progress Report, December 2008

This document highlights the important work of the NPFTF.

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June 8, 2008
National Procurement Fraud Task Force Legislation Committee

Procurement Fraud: Legislative and Regulatory Reform Proposals This document highlights the important work of the NPFTF.

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The OIG & MAS: Understanding the Office of Inspector General's Role

This document explains GSA OIG MAS Audits.

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