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Office of Forensic Auditing, Evaluation, and Analysis

The Office of Forensic Auditing, Evaluation, and Analysis (JE) is a multi-disciplinary staff that works directly with the Inspector General (IG) and the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) to provide analytic support for issues of interest or concern. JE staffing has been designed to ensure thorough capabilities in examining a wide variety of legal, administrative, and policy-relevant matters for which review is needed on a one-time-only or a recurring basis.

JE plans, directs, and coordinates the OIG's internal evaluation program, consisting of operational assessments of OIG field offices and components. The objective of these assessments is to ensure that the various OIG components meet established standards for the provision of quality audit and investigative services.

In addition, at the direction of the IG or DIG, JE conducts other sensitive reviews of OIG matters and procedures. At the direction of the IG or the DIG, JE assists with special projects, such as providing statistical and administrative support to the National Procurement Fraud Task Force at the Department of Justice.

The Office of Forensic Auditing (JEF) is established within JE. At the direction of the IG or DIG, JEF conducts investigations and reviews utilizing innovative strategies to detect potentially fraudulent activities, assesses situations when fraud has been committed, and produces evidence meeting the standards of proof required by criminal courts.