Manage Grants

How do I get paid?

If you're a college student, you receive your student aid from your school's financial aid office. Contact your school for more information.

Other grantees receive payment through the Department's G5 system. When your grant is awarded, the Department will send you the information you need to get access to this system.

How do I submit grant reports?

When your grant is awarded, you'll receive a Grant Award Notification that will tell you what reports are required and how to submit them. You may be able to submit reports for some programs online through the e-Grants e-Reports system.

What if I need to make changes to my grant information?

The e-Grants e-Administration system lets you make administrative changes to your grant award. The following types of changes are available: DUNS/SSN, address, key personnel, Project Director name and address, dates (no-cost time extensions), certifying representative, and others.

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